Lost forever

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I woke up by the shrill sound of my alarm clock; it was still dark outside I looked at the watch and it showed 5.00 am. I tried to get up when suddenlyI felt like there were thousands of hammers attacking my head , I felt like my head was gonna explode.

I remembered the happenings of last night; my fight with virat and all the things that we said to each other, a lone tear escaped my eyes.

I got myself together got up from the bed, looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes were puffy and red from all the crying that I had done, I decided its better to take a bath; even after having a bath I was not feeling fresh, last night was still haunting my thoughts. I tried to study or pretended that I was studying but truth be told my mind was in loop it kept on repeating the things that virat said to me. I glanced at the watch and it was 6.30 by that time.

I got ready, took my parent's blessing and left for my exam. I tried to get him out of my mind but he was all I could remember. My exam; I just sat there with the papers in my hand, the questions looked familiar but I couldn't concentrate,all I remembered was virat. I was looking blankly at the question paper when suddenly I thought about my parents and how disappointed my parents especially my mother would be with me. I tried to get my act together and answered the questions that I could. When the exam ended I knew in no case was I going to clear this test.

I fled from the examination centre; I went home and as soon as I entered the living room my mother came and hugged me.

"Honey our prayers got answered your father just got promoted." She said happily.

I ran towards my father and hugged him "Congratulations Papa". He hugged me back and said "thanku betuu and congratulations to you too."

I looked at him with questions in my eyes and then he said "Arey your father got promoted naa...!!"

I laughed at his comment and said " I love u papa"

I decided against telling my parents how I had screwed up my exams, they looked so happy. I was thinking all this when I heard my mother clearing her throat and my father looking all tensed.

I asked them "What's up ? is there something wrong"

My mother replied " actually there is one more thing we wanted to tell u"

I looked at her puzzled and then she continued "actually beta we will have to relocate from delhi to Ahmedabad, the job location is Ahmedabad and your father has to join there in a week so we have to leave in 4 days"

I was completely shocked would be an understatement.

I looked at them completely surprised , " why? I umm.. I mean our home our life is here.. I don't wanna go to Ahmedabad and that too in just 4 days."

" Betuu I know this is hard for you but this promotion is very important for me and anyone who accepts this offer will have to relocate and if I don't there are atleast 10 other people who would gladly accept this offer" my father answered

Could this day get any worse, what the hell is happening in my life, first veekay then my dream, omg veekay!!

I will have to leave him as well, but then his words " we are done" rushed through my head and I didn't realise that I was crying until my mother said " beta please don't cry I know this hard"

I just nodded and said " I need some time and I left from there"

I knew there was only one place that I would find peace; it was the same place where virat and I would sit for hours on the bench below that very creepy old tree in the park near my house. This area of the park was secluded from other areas, there were never any people there and hence it made a very nice and peaceful place. I used to go there alone as well whenever I wanted to spend sometime with myself. That plan never worked out well virat always used to come there crashing my alone time and we used spend hours here talking, making fun of each other and doing all sort of weird stuff.

I went their and sat on the bench; our bench as we used to call it. This place was filled with so many happy memories of virat and me. I looked at our initials "vk" engraved on it; I know its very cheesy but when we were very young we used to mark every place we sit, this bench was marked by virat and I had marked our bench in our school.

I started crying thinking about all this , God this was a bad idea coming here what was I thinking?

My heart said I cannot just leave this place, veekay; what would I do without him. Even though we have our differences but I still love him and he is still my best friend, I want him in my life.

But then there was another voice in my head

He thinks that you are jealous of his success, he doesn't remember the time when you used to wake up early in the morning and run to his house so that he wouldn't miss his practice or the time when he was too busy practicing for his matches and you used to do his homework and complete his assignments. And today your career and your love life all got screwed up because of him.

And think about your father he has worked so hard for this promotion and you would just make him give up his dream because you cannot leave your precious veekay who probably has left for his tour by now and doesn't bother about you.

I spent an hour or so there. I had made my decision, I made my way home and went to my parents, I am ready to leave with you guys.

4 days just went by and I was struggling with myself if I should tell veekay or not but then I decided against it, he left for the tour without even meeting me. I had already said my good byes to veekay's family and when his mother asked me if I had told veekay I just nodded. I went in to his room it was the same as always messed up clothes on the chair, a small bed with a big poster of Sachin Tendulkar on the side wall I had gifted him this poster, his eyes were twinkling like anything holding this poster in his hands. I glanced at his room for the last time and took a mental picture of it, this was probably the last time I was gonna be here. I left a small idol of Ganpati jee on his table, and I was about to leave when my eyes fell on one of his jersey's, I took it and left from there.

It was time for us to leave, I was standing outside my house with a tear stranded face. I got in to the car and looked towards my house for the last time... I wish somehow I could see him as well... But then the car started and we left..
There were many things running through my mind but
One thing that I was sure about "a big part of me is going to be lost forever."



If you liked the chapter do vote and leave comments and feedbacks as your love gives me the motivation to write.. thanku again

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