Beginning of forever

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Few years later

Where is Veekay?

"Ahhhhhh!!! I am going to kill him for doing this to me." Said Kanika in agony holding her friends hand.

"Keep calm, take deep breaths he is on his way...breathe in breathe out

Breath in breath out kanii" replied Neelima

"Ow" Kanika smacked neelu's head.

"You try being squeezing a melon from a small space and I will tell you to breath in an breath out....ahhhhhhh these contractions are getting worse- where is Veekay???"

"I am here.... I am here baby !" Virat said huffing.

"What I am here- you did this to me...oh God ahhhhhh!!!" Replied kanika

"Sounds familiar" said virat

Kanika gave him an eye.

"After today you are never ever going to hear this sound!" Retorted kanika

"Sorry sorry kanii, let's call the doctor and see how long before the baby comes"

As if on clue doctor enters.

"How are you doing Mrs. Kohli?"

"I feel somebody is trying to breach out of my vagina" retorted kanika

"Kanii filter please- I am sorry doc, she means that she is a lot of pain, can we do something for the pain?" Asked Veekay.

"You are ready to push Mrs. Kohli, let's shift you to the OT - get ready little Kohli can arrive any minute" doc said.

"I am scared Veekay " kanii looked at Virat with tear in her eyes.

"Don't be love, I am here you are the strongest women I know, you have been my strength all these years and I am sure our baby will be just as strong as you have made me the happiest man by marrying me and now you are about to bring part you and part me in to this world I am the luckiest man alive. I will be there every step of the way, let's bring little Kohli in to this world" saying this he kissed kanii

"I love you Veekay, let's bring little Kohli home"

"I love you baby"

Kanii and Veekay moved hand in hand towards the OT and like he said he was there every step of the way.

Kanii gave birth to 3.4 kg healthy baby boy.

"He looks just like you kanii- see that smile " said Veekay holding the baby.

"No he looks like you Veekay, those are the beautiful orbs that I feel in love with " replied kanii kissing the baby boy.

"Like I had said earlier part you and part me- we made him kanii, such a beautiful baby" said Veekay with a teary eye.

Kanii replied hugging Veekay and the baby

"Yes we made him, he is just as beautiful as the love we share for each other, no matter what happened we always found our way to each other, looking at him all those years and heartbreaks seem irrelevant. You are the love of my life Veekay and he is the heart of that love. I feel like pausing the time here, this moment is so unreal I can spend my entire life in this moment" said Kanika

"Ohh baby this is just the beginning of forever, I promise our journey has just begun."

" I think atleast 2 more babies are ahead in life for us" said Veekay smiling devilishly

" Oh why not 2 more babies, we will have those babies when you are bringing them out from your...." kanii said looking at Veekay

Both stared at each other and burst out laughing ..

Laughter filled the room and that is what their life was also filled with.

Love, laughter and three beautiful babies!!

"Veekay always keeps his promises"

That is the end of the story for Veekay and Kanika. I know I am 2 years too late to write this ending for the story. Better late than never.

I hope you guys have enjoyed the end. I had always pictured these two as lovers who are friends first.

Do leave your comments.

Take care all the readers.

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