Broken souls

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Unedited chapter

It was exact 7 o clock and i was standing outside veekay's house for almost 15 minutes, trying to find enough courage to ring that bell but alas! I could find none.

Then i thought about my conversation with aunty and neelu, even though neelu never knew about me and virat after hearing our story she was so supportive and confident about us. If she can trust our friendship and bond so should i, with that thought in my mind I decided to finally ring the bell.

I rang the bell once and immediately the door opened, I looked up and saw aunty giggling at me, she said "I thought u will never ring the damn bell, dont look so surprised i was observing u for past 15 mins"

I gave her a nervous smile.

She said with a chuckle," dont worry virat wont eat u, there are plenty of other things in the menu that he can choose from"

I started laughing at her comment, she welcomed me in.

She told me that virat is not at home but he will be back in some time and ravi bhaiya and bhabhi along with their son have gone on a trip so we were the only ones present in the house.

Aunty made all my nervousness go away, we were talking about all the random things from past half an hour ; I was telling her about London and my life there when the door bell rang.

I felt my heart started doing bungee jumping in my chest because i knew that its virat on the other side of the door,all my nervousness came back ; aunty probably noticed it and she said," dont worry beta just remember u are here to win ur frnd back dont give up easy he is very stubborn but you have to be even more stubborn " saying that she left to open the door leaving me alone in the living hall.

I was very nervous for how he would react, I had sweaty palms, I was almost on the verge of running from there but it was too late, I turned around and there he stood with a shocked expression on his face.

The shocked expressions soon turned to the one of hatred and before i could say something he said ,"what are u doing here Ms. Kapoor ?"

I was unable to come up with a reply only on thing escaped my mouth," veekay m sorry"

He angrily came towards and said "I told u not to call me veekay, u r not my frnd and u r not invited in my house so get ur ass out of here "

I was almost on the verge of tears when aunty said " is this the way to speak to a friend and I invited her here she is not going anywhere"

Virat looked at her like he was hurt by his mother's action and said "mom why would u invite her here,she is not my friend not anymore she was the one who left and now i dont have any place for her in my life and in my house"

Aunty said " she made a mistake and u did to, but she is trying to rectify that mistake and u are letting ur ego come between u and her; I have seen it all, ur hatred and ur hurt for her for almost 8 years its time u changed that.
I invited her so u guys could talk; now if both of u respect me even a little bit u will try and talk to each other keeping ur egoes aside , I m going in when u guys are done call me"

Aunty left saying that and there was dead silence in the room for sometime.
Neither virat nor me spoke for a word to eachother, then i took the initiative and said " virat I am sorry that I left but I had my reasons"

He chuckled and looked me in the eye and said "enlighten me, what were your reasons, what was so damn important that u couldn't inform me before leaving"

He was looking straight in my eyes and I couldn't reply to his ques

"What happened! no replies or are u planning how can u leave from here as well, let me answer this question for u, the truth is kanii u were so consumed by urself that u didn't even think about me, ur ego was bigger than our friendship" he said

I replied "that is not true and u know that,and if my ego were so big and u were so in to our friendship why didn't u come and find me, the fact is that i slapped u last time we met and that hurt ur man ego that is why u didn't meet me before leaving for ur tournament and didn't even try to find me all these years"

He replied " u know what was the first thing that i did when i came back from the tournament,I fucking came to see you because i wanted to make things right between us; i was so distracted by our fight I couldn't even sleep but how would u know u were not here"

He continued " and what do u think leaving a ganesha on my table would encompass the hurt that i felt when i came to know that u left and u fucking said goodbye to everyone except me; I was ur best friend for God sakes I deserved a goodbye from you"

By now i had tears in my eyes and replied " I m sorry ok,what else do you want me to say I had to leave because it was important for my parents and I couldn't hurt them; and u also left without saying anything to me and if my memory serves me well the last time we had that talk u were the one who said we are done so I didn't know I just did what i felt was right at that time"

He snapped hearing this and said " u still dont understand don't u, u were acting like a bitch at that time and u r still acting like one, not accepting the facts, u know what! u go to ur oh so perfect family, go to your parents and I have a request just dont leave them alone like you left me when i needed you the most !!"

The thought of my parents brought everything back the pain, the agony I felt at that time of the accident, my vision was blurry because of the tears that were flowing through my eyes.

I replied sobbing ," I wish I could be there for them and i am sorry I was not there for you when your father passed away but i dont know if it would mean anything to you I was just as broken and hurt when i heard about him and i felt helpless not being able to comfort you at the time of your need and i am so so sorry veekay but I don't have anything else to say to you"

He replied " dont u dare say anything about my father, no u wont understand how i felt at that time and u never will because u have never lost someone so close to you kanika "

I couldn't take it anymore, now I was angry I said " God dammit virat i understand infact I understand better than u do, u know what it was a mistake coming here and talking to u,I m sorry I tried to win our friendship back but i m done now "
Saying that i left from there trying to make as much distance i could possibly make in my condition I walked towards my car got in and drove away but I couldn't hold it any longer and I stopped my car in the middle of nowhere and cried my heart out in hope that it would give my already broken soul some relief...

Sorry Another unedited chapter...!!Thanku guys for all your love if u like this chapter please vote and leave your precious comments because u know its only ur love that motivates me to write... xoxo

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