Secret's out

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"Hey Doll face" virat chimed on the other end of the line.

"Doll face...Really??? Veekay" Kanika replied hiding the happiness that crept up her face

"Ahaan... I know you like my nicknames for you so stop being so cheeky" he said his smile vibrating through the phone.

"Cheeky for my cheeku" she said teasing him.

"Just yours my love, so how did everything go?" he asked

Hearing this the smile vanished from Kanika's face and a pit developed in her stomach. How was she gonna tell him that every thing went too well and she is going to spend next year in Italy away from him.

"hello are u there baby? " he enquired.

"ye.. yeah I am here. Everything went great. I can't wait to see you, I missed you so much you can't even imagine" she tried to put up a brave face.

"I missed you too baby. I kept pestering mom about you not being here that she left for Bangalore after getting irritated with me." he replied.

Kanika got even more tensed hearing this, she thought if he couldn't bear her being away for just a week. How would he react to this news.

"When is your flight landing?" he asked.

"10 pm today, I am at the airport only." she replied a bit mechanically.

"are you alright love? You seem a bit tensed" he asked.

"no just tired that's all" she lied to him. Only she knew how she was feeling.

"you come home to me, I will take care of all your tiredness" he said affectionately.

"yeah Veekay see you soon.. Neelu looks pretty bored I better get back to her otherwise I will never hear the end of it. She will keep saying how I abandoned her for my hot boyfriend"

"ahem ahem so you mean to say I am hot"

"no it's how Neelu feels, I think you are extremely and intiatiably hot"

"you are something else but however you are you are just mine"

"always and forever yours... "

"love you doll face "

"love you too hottie..bye"
Delhi airport

After bidding good bye to Neelu who had a connecting flight to Mumbai, Kanika got her luggage and was exiting the airport when a Audi stopped right in front of her.

She should have known he would come to pick her up because he is that perfect. This made the pit in her stomach even deeper.

Oh god how an I going to tell him she thought to herself.
The door on her side opened and scooped in.

She saw his face and all her worries went away and a warmth crept all over her body, a feeling she had been missing for seven days, the emptiness that got fulfilled just by looking at him.

And as for him any one could see the love that he held for this woman. His woman

He wanted to kiss her there and then but he knew that there would be pappz wandering around here so he decided against it.

They both understood how the other one is feeling, no words were necessary.

"I missed you" kanika said

"I missed you too, so let's get you home and where I can kiss you properly without worrying about anyone sabotaging our moments together " he said holding her hand.

She kissed his cheek and said" let go home"

All the way home virat was catching Kanika up on his schedule and what he did this week, all she did was look at him with guilt ridden eyes.

Virat noticed that but didn't said anything. He stopped in front of her house

Kanika was contemplating how should she tell him, should she just rip the bandaid off and be done with this secret.

As if on clue virat asked "what's up baby I know something is wrong what are you not telling me? "

"did you not get the deal? "

"no we got the deal but" she said closing her eyes and a lone tear escaped her eyes.

"hey hey why are you crying?" he said kissing her tear away.

"whatever it is we will get through it baby, just tell me what has got you so upset? "

"Veekay the deal I got has a condition" she said shakily

"what kind of condition? You are scaring me now please tell me everything babe"

"our company got the deal only because I accepted the offer of making Italy our base of operations" she finally said it.

Virat was puzzled "what does that mean, does it mean what I think it means? Are you leaving me? "

"no baby I am not leaving you I am just going away for a year at most " she said those words but even she was not convinced by her statement, if she missed virat this much after being away from him fur just a week or so how is this going to work.

"you didn't even consult me, did you think about us at all? " he said a little aggressively.

"there was no time Veekay, it happened so fast they wanted a reply in like 5 minutes, I had no other choice but to accept, only I Know how much I love you and want to be with you but this is also true that this business is my baby and I couldn't just let it die. I had no other choice. "

There was complete silence in the car.

Virat was completely silent, he didn't even look at Kanika's face.

Kanika broke the silence "please say something, I know you are hurt but you have to understand, I love you a lot, more than I have loved anything in my life, I can't breathe when I think of a life without you I don't want to leave you but I have to go for work" traitor tears escaping through her eyes

"Veekay pl... "
Before she could complete her sentence virat said, "I think you should go inside"

"virat please talk to me"

" you should go before I say something I regret" he said not making an eye contact.

She didn't budge she wanted to try, she didn't want to leave but this scenario was playing like her worst nightmare.

"go" he said looking in to her eyes and there she could see the aggression, hurt, pain and despair in his eyes and the cause of all this HER

Virat got out of the car followed by Kanika, virat got her luggage out and left it on her door, got back in his car and drove away with Kanika still on her porch looking at the most perfect man now broken driving away.

1177 words a new update
Hey guys please don't hate me, I have been a lot busy and I had a writer's block but now I have figured out the rest of my story so I will try and update as frequently as I can.. And there is a good news as well I am now employed!! Yayl!!!

Please vote and comment and show your love because it's your love that motivates me to write !! Xoxo

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