Hiding From The Medias

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President:"Hello...? Ok, put it through." The President suddenly lowered his voice, and tension filled the room, after hanging up the phone, President let out a deep sigh.
Ryou:"... Its from Krissy's father, isnt it?"
President:"Yes, we should make an announcement about you quickly, otherwise he will give the negatives to a television network."
Ryou:"... An announcement sounds great."



Before I even knew what I was doing, I was hugging him with abandon...

Alexis:"I wont divorce with you! I want to stay with you, Ryou!"
Ryou:"Well... What were you doing with him then?"
Alexis:"He's nothing! I dont want to be away from you, I want to be there for you, Ryou, I will definitely not sign any divorce papers!"

But... Even though you are not in show business... Once they find out that you are married to me...

Ryou:"... Ryou might not be able to live a normal."
Alexis:"I dont care about that, you are more important to me than that."
President:"Ok, then, lets make an official announcement."
President:"However, its not good that you are already married, so we'll announce that you are engaged to a woman who is not in show business... And then announce your marriage after a short while."
President:"Whether you get a divorce after that or not, it will be for you to deal with, a sleazy with a politician's daughter... Well, lets just say I'd feel a lot more at ease with a divorce compared to a scandal like that."
Alexis:"Are you okay with it... Ryou?"
Ryou:"Its not about me, Im asking about you..."
Alexis:"I'll do anything for you, Ryou..." I smiled at him.
Ryou:"Even if it hurts your feelings?"
Alexis:"Yes, I will do anything for you... In any situation."

Now, it was clear to me... Nodding strongly to the President, I felt sure of myself this time, I wouldnt thinl about Adrian anymore. Even if Ryou divorced me in the future.... I would be fine as long as Ryou is happy.


Right after this, it was announced officially that Ryou was engaged, however, my name wasnt memtioned... There were people from the media surrounding our condo almost everyday, and they seemed intent on finding out about me.

Jatsuki:"Alexis, are you okay?"
Alexis:"Yes... I-Im okay... But now, I understand how celebrities really lives, its a bit surprising..."
Ryou:"Jatsuki, you too will be hounded by the media."
Jatsuki:"Yes, but Im used to it.... Alexis, I'll leave with you when you go to work... You can go out the back door while Im holdimh the attention of the news media."
Ryou:"Thanks, Jatsuki."

How long do we have to live like this? It wont take long, until they find out where I work, I felt nervous about this media circus feeding frenzy...

When I arrived at the office,mit felt like poeple were looking at me, there might have been some people who were already suspicious... Nobody knows how much information will be leaked out... There might be some people who saw us.

When I escaped to the records room to get a file, the door opened behind me soon after I entered the room.

Adrian:"Alexis... Are you okay?"
Alexis:"Yes... Thank you."
Adrian:"Some people asked me about you and Saji, there might be people who know all about you."
Alexis:"I think so, there might be somebody who saw me go to Ryou's condo."
Adrian:"Are you still... Staying with him? Even though he treated you like that."
Alexis:"If you put it like that... Then Im no different from him... Even though I was with Ryou, I betrayed him and ran away to you."
Adrian:"You were just running away? You dont even have a little feelings towards me...?"
Alexis:"... Im sorry, I cant return your feelings, I cant walk away from Ryou... Also I have strong feelings for Ryou even if he may be in love with somebody else." Adrian suddenly tooh hold of my arms sternly, he kissed me forcefully...
Adrian:"Even though you have strong feelings for him, I cant give you up."
Alexis:"Adrian... L-let me go." Shaking off his arms, I ran from the records room with a file in my hand.

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