captured by the band

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I feel someone is looking at us and watching us

" guys I think we need to go" I said because I feel that someone is watching us

" this is the worst night ever " Alex said

We jump into to the car. Liz and Alex are in the back. Me and Kyla are in the front, but Kyla is the one who will drive.

She start the engine and it not working " what's the matter!?" I ask

" the car won't start" she said

" what ?!" I'm look terrified now

" we are so far in our house we can't walk that far you know" Liz said and panicking.

" this is the worst night ever, the arena is on fire, we don't know what happen to the band, then my car won't start" Kyla shout
"Ahhhh!!!! fuck start you damn piece of shit " she look pissed

She still try to start her car but it won't work.

" I think we better call our parents " I suggest

They nodded and start calling

" shit there's no signal" I said

We all jump out in the car and look for someone to help us. But there's no one here.

" Kyla start again your car " I said to her

She start and still not working. Were just standing there and looking, but I really feel that there's someone watching us

" ok just sit here and wait for someone to come " I said and they nodded

We go back to the car at and sit there. A few minutes someone came. I can't see his face but his only standing there watching us.

" is that Frank " Kyla said

I look closer " fuck" its Frank standing there and looking at us. I know he look cute but now I feel terrify. My hands is shaking like shit.

" stay here " kyla said

" what? no! " I said

" its only Frank and he may help us" she said

She jump out to the car and we do the same she came closer to Frank

" Kyla " I called and turn around to look at me but Frank walk to her and put his hand to her mouth. Our eyes wide when Frank do that. Then I look to our side the other do the same that Frank did to kyla, shit I think were going to die pls god help us. I was struggling and I want to escape to the hand of Gerard but his too strong until I was unconscious.

My eyes is open it slowly but its still heavy to open. I see the other is still unconscious and I see Frank looking at me and smiling. Were in the back of the car, the my eyes close again and I don't remember then.

Frank's POV
This girl is special when I saw her in the concert I feel something that I didn't feel before.

The question is who start the fire in the stage? Do you want to know ? Yes its us we burn the stage because of that paparazzi always followed us even when were going to the party its sick of us. Because they always taking a picture. So we decided to fake our death so that the paparazzi will stop capturing us a fucking picture. But this girl saw us what we done and that why we capture her with her friends.

Ray is the one who driving and were going to the countryside that no want can find us.

" are we there yet " I said to Ray because were driving for an hour and my ass is killing me

" chill Frank were almost there " Ray said

" so what are we gonna do to the four girls.? " Mikey ask

" just let them sleep and we will think of something ok" I said

Ray stop the car in the front of the huge house and fuck its very huge its like mansion.

" who house is this Ray ?" Gerard ask

" its mine why ?" Were shock because we didn't know that he have a mansion like this.

We carry the four girl. Gerard is the one who caring the one  that I want and I carry the one with a blond a and Mikey carry the one with curly hair and Ray is carrying the girl with a blue dyed hair who still unconscious. They all still unconscious. And I don't know when they gonna wake up. We put them in the couch sitting there and unconscious.

" I think we should tie their hands and feet because when they woke up they might escape" Mikey suggest

I think his right because I know they shock to what we did to them.

Isabella's POV
Where I am. My eyes is slowly open up until my sight is cleared. I saw my friend sitting next to me in the couch and what the fuck why we all tied up

" kyla, Alex , Liz wake up you guys" I said

They slowly waking up. They look shock when they saw that their hands are tie up even our feet's are tie up too.

" where the hell are we?" Alex ask me but I think I can't untie my self because I remember there's a  knife of my pocket

" I don't know Alex, but I think we can get out of here. Get my  knife in my pocket hurry." I said

She search the knife in my pocket and yes she got it. She give me the knife and starting cutting the rope in my hand.

Yes I'm lose. I untie the others

" Isabella hurry I think someone is coming" Kyla said

I untie her then next is Alex
" kyla untie Liz now " I said  to her

We all untie but we don't know where to go first, but this is wow this house is huge like were in the mansion. I think this is a real mansion.

"Everybody ok ?"I ask and they nodded

" how we gonna escape ?" Liz ask

" I don't know " I answer

We look around and its huge. I look to the window to know where we are? shit were in the countryside and this is so far from our home.

" come on we need to leave here before someone came " I said

We go to the front door and fuck its lock I can't open it.

Why this happening to us?. Pls god help us

A/N: sorry for the wrong grammar.

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