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Isabella's POV
I'm finally home. I'm with my family now and I don't have to scare anymore because the guy who torture me and make my life hell is in prisoner but his in the mental because he insane and crazy son of a bitch, he will never get out of there.

The police left us now I'm with my family, the police still protecting us to be sure that Frank might escape or something.

My mom hug me tightly and this is the ten times that she hug me like this and I miss it because I was missing for a month and I feel its like forever. Then my dad do the same, they can't stop hugging me and kissing me but I don't have problem of that, I don't care how many times they hug and kiss me, I feel comfortable when they do that.

" I'm glad your ok honey" my mom smile at me but my smile faded because I remember what he did to me.

To be honest all that I had been through is not ok, all the pain and the torture that he did is not ok but I cannot blame my mom to say that I'm ok

" thanks mom" I said

She notice me that I'm sad and look confuse why I fell sad "honey are you ok?" She ask

I don't know how I'm gonna explain what happen to us even to me I think she will have a heart attack if I tell her what happen to me

" yeah I'm ok" I said with a fake smile

" do you want to talk about what happen to you and your friends ?" She ask

I don't know if I said yes or no to her, I can't lie, she need to know.
We sat in the couch while my dad is standing front of us. I start to cry because I remember again what he did ahhhh that awful thing that he did.

" do you remember the concert that we when?" I ask my mom

" yeah I remember " she said look worried

I look to my dad still crying in my guts. I don't know if I can't tell them what happen, but like I said I can't lie to them they need to know

" the band do something and I saw that their the one who cause the fire, Frank saw me and the others. Before they leave the stage, they said they will come back then after that, the stage manager said that there's a problem, then the fire start. We run outside and save, then I said to the guys that the band is the one who made the fire and they didn't believe me, so we decide to go home but then the car won't start, we try to call you but no signal, we can't walk home  because it far and we are such an idiot we didn't bring a money to ride a taxi." I pause then I continue
" then that night the band kidnap us because we saw them that there are the one cause who cause that fire-"

" did they hurt you and the girls?" My dad ask and knee down facing my height

" the three of them they didn't hurt me and the girls but Frank...oh god " I hate saying his name

" what he did to you?" He ask
Still crying and I can't say it properly

" he ....he " I pause and I can't say it because I'm crying so hard

" did he hurt you?" I nodded and hug me tightly but he didn't know that Frank rape me

" oh baby " my mom hugging me and rubbing my back I know she crying too because her daughter suffer in pain that it didn't deserved to.

" he do something to me ?" I said and they look confuse

" what  he do something to you Bella pls tell us " I look down looking to the floor , I disgust to myself

" Bella sweet heart pls tell me what did he do ?" My mom ask

" h-he to-touch me, pl-play with me " I stutter with my word and I can't still tell them that he rape me

" did he-?" I think my dad know what I'm gonna say next

I saw my dad full of anger I didn't say it yet but I think I know he know what I meant that he play with me and touch me. He want to kill somebody and punch him in the face

" he gonna pay what he did to you I'm gonna kill that bastard!" My dad is full of anger right now. But my mom sitting there and like she don't get it

" john calm down what happening to you?" She ask look worried to my dad

" can't you see Beth the guy rape your daughter!" My dad pointing me

" dad pls come down !" I said between in crying

" no Bella his gonna pay what he did to you "

" how? his in the jail in mental hospital" I said

My mom hug me again and my brother came out and hug me too even that he didn't know what we been talk about he just hug me like my mom and dad did

" Bella listen to me you we can't through this I promise and no one will hurt you again ok" my dad hug me tightly

" I love you dad"

" I love you too sweet heart "

I hug them all now I'm ok. I let out all the stress, pain and my messed up mind. I tell them all and now I'm save. The thing I need is to wait for Gerard for two years because I know that I can wait for him.

A/N: I have problem
So I'm very sorry for the long long update

So pls vote and comment me if you like it or not thus story

And I know you hate me
Buy pls don't sue me ok

I love you guys

Sorry for the wrong grammar
To be honest I hate writing the part with the smut one.

Keep it ugly.....

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