unhappy Frank :(

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Frank's POV.
This is totally pisses right now because Gerard fucking punch me, I didn't do anything. Fuck damn it that so hurt my chin and my cheek is burning like hell like someone slap me.

I go to the kitchen to get some ice pack, dammit that so really damn punch. No one down here except me, all of them are on their rooms.

I'll always thinking what Isabella's doing and what Gerard doing with her. I'm being jealous because why Isabella pick Gerard, I'm one who saw her first and I'm the one who wink on her in the concert, she keep smiling at me when I did that to her. But now she avoiding me. Did I do something wrong ( yes Frank you did something bad actually) I need to get her and be mine but how? Gerard is always blocking my way. I just need a plan to do this so that Isabella will be mine.

My thought was interrupt when I heard footsteps going  down the stairs. I look to see who and it only Gerard. I go back when I was standing and look back to him. But then I look at him but he didn't look back. I see that his picking up some food from the cabinet, still not looking and I'm still holding a ice pack in my face because 4è2rr3rtttrreerrte totally fucking punch me.

" What?!" He ask because every movement I was look at him

" oh nothing" I said smiling at him

He only glare at me and I know is angry to what I did but you can't blame me, she have beautiful body and I feel that she's special.

" so how is she?" I ask to broke the silent while is putting the food in the  plate

" why you ask?!" He said glaring at me

" oh nothing I just want to know if she ok, just concern" I said smiling at him and putting down the ice pack in the sink.

" you have no right to concern to her Frank" he said

" yes I have right to concern to her Gerard and your not the only one can have her " I said glaring back to him

" No! You cannot have her because she not in love with you and she fucking mad and angry with you because you fucking rape her so you have no right to have her Frank" fuck that hit me

He turn around, holding a plate with a food. His going to left me in the kitchen with no words to back on but I will not be defeat some guy who fucking care to this girls and no one will stop me To take her and be mine. I pick a fried pan and began to hit Gerard in the head.

" that for the thing that you said to me " he unconscious.

Now I need to do is take Isabella with me. I left Gerard body in the floor and go to his room where Isabella is. I open the door and see her sitting in the bed
She look shock when she saw me and look terrified too

" Frank what are you doing here?" She stand and back away from me

" don't be afraid Isabella I'm not gonna hurt you " I said step closing to her

" where's Gerard Frank?" She ask

" his not here " I answer keeping close to her

" WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!"  She raise her voice on me but I only smile at her. But then she began to run but I grab her and put an rag on her mouth with a chemical so that she can fall asleep. Thankfully the other didn't hear us I think they sleeping. I look to the clock its 12:30am they probably sleeping right now.

I carry Isabella a bridal style then we go downstairs, seeing Gerard's body still in the floor. His not dead his only unconscious. I only hit him in the head no biggy.

I put Bella in the car and put a seatbelt. I'm leaving the others on the house and they will never see us again because me and Isabella are living together and no one can stop me for doing something that I want.

A/N: sorry guys for the the long and slow update guys

And I know this story is similar to the other story so sorry for that so pls don't kill me

But I know you guys are hate me now but its ok I deserved it

Sorry for the wrong grammar and you know why?

Bye for now

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