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Gerard came back. He saw I was crying and sit next to me, I feel his comforting me and feel guilty to what he did.

" I'm so sorry what I did. I promise to you that I will not do it again I promise " he said

He hug me and I hug him back,I don't know why I hug him but I feel I was safe from anyone who try to hurt me and I know Gerard is good and he will not do that again to me because I can feel it, when I'm looking to him.

He gave me a water so I can calm down. I still shaky like shit because I was very terrified to what he did, but I forgive him because he only force himself to do it but I know he don't want to.

" thank you" I said and give the glass of water to him. He turn the TV on and watch a show. I don't know what we watching but then Gerard lay down in the bed next to me and keep looking that I'm still scared of him

" Bella don't be afraid I will not gonna hurt you, I'm very sorry what I did truly I'am because I don't know what came after me so I'm so sorry" he apologize and hold my hand gently.

" I forgive you Gerard I know you don't want to hurt me or play with me because I can see that you want to help me but you can because your afraid of something" I said I don't know if he gets what I said

" yes I was afraid to let you go because when Frank wink you in the stage or in that concert I look at you and you smile at him, when I saw your smiling my heart fall down because of your beautiful smile then that the start to like you because you tough and you can fight but you still afraid to fight and I'm afraid that the boys hurt you " I step forward to him and hold his chin so that our eyes can meet

" if the boys hurt me, I know you can save me and protect me from them" I said and smile at him

I know Gerard will help me to get out of here but not just yet. He hug me and I hug back and I feel really safe when I was with him but I wish he will not do what he did in the food.

We only lay in the bed for an hour and watch a TV and I still don't know what we are watching but its quite a funny though. I heard Gerard laugh and it kind of cute.

" do you want something?" He ask

" no I don't want something let just lay down for a while and watch a TV" I said

" oh ok " that the only word that he said. I quite little bit sleep because I was staring in the TV for an hour so that was I quite sleepy so I ask a permission if I can sleep with him

" Gerard can I sleep?" I ask " I'm quite of sleepy so can I sleep next to you" I said

He nodded and place my head in his chest and hug him. Then I fell asleep.

Gerard's POV
I don't know what Is happening to me, why I feel this like I want to help but I know I can't but this girl, Ummm.. Ah I don't know I just feel something like she the one. I don't know, my thought is messing with me.

She laying next to me but she sleeping because she said she was tired and now she hugging me and her head is in my chest. She move a little but she still in my chest hugging me. The TV is still on but I'm not watching it anymore so I decide to turn off.

I slowly put her head in the pillow and cover her a blanket. She still sleep and decide to leave her there for a moment and go back to check on her later.

I slightly close the door to not make any noise. I go to kitchen and saw Frank making some dinner.

" hey Gee is she awake ?" Frank ask why is he asking for her

" she still sleeping why?" I ask

" oh nothing " he said and smile

" she told me that you almost rape her, why?" I ask

" she fucking annoying thats why I did that so she can stop " he said

" yeah me too I almost rape her but I stop when she said that she know that I don't want to do that thing " I said

He just only smiling at me " what?" I ask because his freaking smiling like a psychopath

"Oh nothing" he said while  his flipping the pork

" Frank!" I shout because his thinking something bad

" what ?!" He shout

" your thinking something?" I ask

" ok yeah I'm thinking something " he answer and turn the stove off

" what the fuck are you thinking ?" I ask and glare at him

" I just thinking who get her first" he said

" Frank don't you dare do that " I said

" what nothing will happen to her ok, and beside I like her " he said

My heart stop but I didn't mean that its truly stop its just a expression.

Frank like Bella, I like Bella too, I need to take her first before Frank take her away from me because when i saw her in the concert something change, and I feel something that I didn't feel before.

Frank left me standing there and put the foot in the  table

" get them and the food is ready and wake Bella because I cook for her a special dish" he said

I did what he said I called Mikey in his room reading something. I knock first the open it.

" Mikey the food is ready " I said

" ok I'll get Alex first " he said then go to Alex

I go to my room and I saw Bella is already awake

" oh your awake dinner is ready " I said

She only nodded then rub her eyes so that she completely awake. I help her to stand and lead her to the kitchen.

" oh my sleeping beauty is awake" Frank said

She not looking at him and she look upset, is this because what he did or there something else.

A/N: sorry for the grammar

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