Frank's day( Tuesday)

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I wake up and Its morning and I don't know what day is it.
I rub my eyes so that my eyes can be fully open.  People always do that so that it can see clearly.

I stand and look to the window. The sun is up. And its burn to my eyes. I hear foot step then the door open. Fuck its Frank.

"Get up your going to my room"

I did what he told because I don't want to hit or slap me or something because when somebody kidnapped you and you don't want to come they only slap them in the face and kick you, torture you until you beg to stop. I don't want that to happen. But if something goes wrong I'm gonna bit the crap out of him, I don't care if his Frank Iero.

I follow him in his room and if something happen to me. I'm gonna give him a hell.

" stay here " he said

" where you going?" I ask

" I'm gonna get some drink and food because were gonna watch a movie " I just nodded

He complete out in the room. I need to escape while Frank is not here. I wish there's way to get out of here. I look to The window and fuck its so high. Like I said if I jump I'm going to die and I'm afraid of heights too, fuck.

Frank came back with food, drink and there a clothes that his holding.

" here take a shower your look filthy " he said

" can you show me the bathroom" I said

" here follow me " I follow him where the bathroom is and he open it

" here the bathroom I'll wait outside and knock if you finish" he said

Before he close the door I called his name

" Frank thank you" I said " and I'm sorry that I hit you in the head last week " I apologize. I don't know why I apologize to him.

He smile then he close the door " knock if you finish" he repeat again and I nodded

I turn the shower and its feel good because it warm. I scrub my body and Frank is right I'm filthy and smell stink too. But I wish I can convince him to let us go.

I finish showering then I look to the clothes that frank gave it to me its a T-shirt with a print on it and I can't understand what it said, then a black jean. I knock then Frank open the door.

" you look nice " he said

" thank you"

We go back to his room. I sat in the bed and pick some food because I'm very hungry truly I'am

Then frank place the disk in the DVD player because we gonna watch movie

" what movie are we gonna  watch?" I ask

" Umm kind of horror " he said

We lay in the bed and just watching a movie horror. For the honest I like horror movies.

While we silent and watching a movie I want to convince him to let us go. But I know he will mad at me and do something stupid. But I need to try because he being nice to me.

" Frank"

" hmm"

" pls pls let us go, I want to go home because parents is looking for me, pls let us go and I will not tell to anybody to what you did I promise" I said

He didn't answer same like Gerard when I said that to him. Then his mood change too. Fuck I think this is not gonna be good

" why you so stubborn ha ? If I said that you cannot leave , you cannot leave me! " I was terrified when he shout of me

I didn't talk since he shout me. He look at me and rubbing my legs, fuck I think he gonna do something stupid

" Frank pls no" I see to his eyes like he want to do something

" c'mon this is my day. I want to have a little fun with you" he did smiling at me "

He lay me in the bed and hold my wrist tighter so that I cannot escape.

" Frank don't do something stupid pls I beg of you " I said and I'm starting to cry

He kiss my neck and started to take off my top to see my bra.

Fuck this is not happening, pls someone help me pls. I don't want to lost my virginity.

" pls Frank I beg of you don't do this " he still kissing my neck going down to my chest

Then he take my pants off but I'm still weary underwear.

" pls stop I don't want to lost my virginity pls frank" I cry so hard and beg to stop what he doing so he stop.

" get up and wear your pants and get out now before I change my mind" he said

I took my pants and run outside. Thank god he didn't rape me ah. I was walking to the hall to go back to the room where I was because I know the other will do the same what Frank did to me but he didn't do it. While I'm walking I see Alex room.

I try to open the door, and it open, but it's not lock, why the door is open ? I said to my mind. I go inside and see her,she just in the corner sitting there and crying

" Alex " I called

She turn around and face me
" Bella thank God your here" she said then start to cry

" why? What happen ?" I ask

" Mikey almost rape me " she said
That fucking man I'm gonna killed him for touching her
" shhh don't cry now I'm here " I didn't tell her that frank almost rape me too but he stop but I know in the end of the day, two of as are fuck up by the four men around us
" I want to go home"  she cry "I don't want to stay here and be rape by a psycho" she said
" I know Alex , I know , we getting out of here I promise" I said to her kissing her forehead.

A/N: sorry for the wrong grammar pls comment me if you like its or not

Thank you for reading

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