I'm sorry.,.

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I cover myself with a blanket and I still fully naked. I feel like I'm a bitch but I'm not a bitch.

I lost my virginity because Frank rape me, why did I didn't fight ? Why I let this happen? Why ?

Frank is in the shower and I'm here crying keep thinking what he did to me. I felt disgust to my self this is not I want to lost my virginity but it happen.

The sun is showing up and in any moment Gerard will wake up and suspicious why I'm not his side.

My body is cover up by the blanket but I'm still fucking naked.

Gerard's POV
The sunlight hit my face and when I open my eyes its fucking hurt and it hard to open. When I move around and face to Bella, I feel she not there when I finally look around she not really here.
Where she could be?

I look to the bathroom if she could be there but she not here.

Son of a bitch, FRANK!

I rush to the hall and go to his room. I didn't break down but I gently open the door. Because Frank might punch me because I sneak to his room.

When I open the door I immediately saw Bella laying in the bed. And she crying

" Gerard " she whisper

I walk closer and I didn't see Frank.

" where's Frank?" I ask

She start crying and hug me while the blanket still on her. I look closer to her, why she cover in blanket, then I realize when she cry so hard. She was rape

" did frank-" I was cut off

" yes Gerard he rape me " she answer immediately

That son of a bitch I will kill him, he rape Bella

" I'm so sorry Bella" I said and I immediately carry her a bridal style and put her in my room so that she can rest. She still have Frank blanket to cover her body because she still naked.

she still crying and I hug her tightly

" shhh.. Don't cry I'm here I'm very sorry if this happen to you I'm so sorry I wish I help you but I didn't I'm so sorry, I promise I will help you to escape with your friends" I said because I don't want to see her in pain.

" thank you Gerard " she said

" stop crying now I'm here he will not touch you again while I'm here I promise"

She stop crying. I start to stand and give her a clothes and I don't know if it fits to her. Because this is all my clothes.

" here wear it for a while, I'm sorry if too big but it know it fit for you perfectly " I smile

" thank you" she said and smile

I leave her there so that I can give her a privacy.

Then a few minutes Frank came out to his room look  happy today. I walk to him and ready to punch but I only grab his shirt and push him in the wall.

" you! You! Son of a bitch why you did that?!" I shout of him

" hahaha its not of your business Gerard" he laugh

" I'm gonna fucking kill you" I shout

I let go to his shirt and keep staring at me as soon he tell me what he did to her

" you know what Gerard he body was so delicious and I kiss her neck down to her body that so ahh its so yummy and you know what when I take off her pant I can't wait to fuck her up but she fall down facing in the floor so I decided to go in while she facing in the floor and that was really good and fuck her faster, ahh I can't wait her to fuck again" he finish

" if you touch her again I'm gonna kill " I said.

" is that a threat?" He ask laughing in his gut

" what do you think idiot " I said

He continued to walk and go downstairs. I go to my room and saw Bella taking a shower so I waited her to come out. When she finish I saw her wearing my clothes and its perfect fit but Its a boy clothes but she don't mind it.

" hey are you ok ?" I ask

" yeah I'm fine thank you" she said sadly

I walk to her and start to hug her. And she hug back

" don't worry were getting bout of here " I said while I'm hugging her

" thank you Gerard for everything, I don't  know what I'm gonna do if you not here"

" don't worry I'm here and i will not let him to hurt you again. I promise " I said

" I know Gerard, I know" she said then I kiss her head to feel that I care about her.

A/N: I'm really sorry to the last chapter before this because it's really awful. So sorry for that

Pls comment if you like it or not because I don't know if I can still continue this shit.

Thank you

Sorry for the wrong grammar

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