Dinner time

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Isabella's POV
Gerard lead me in the kitchen then I saw Frank, putting a plate on the table

" oh my sleeping beauty is wake" I only ignore him because of what he did last day

He put a plate front of me with a pork chop.

" I made it for you" he said

I look to him and smile slightly then thank him

" Bella I'm very sorry to what I did last day. I was just piss that why I did. Can you forgive me" he said

I didn't answer but I start to eat the food that he gave me. He just staring at me waiting for me to answer

" Umm ... I don't know Frank " I said

His face turn sad when I said ' I don't know if I can forgive him' but if he change like Gerard did I will forgive him.

Gerard is sitting right next to me eating. I smile to him when something happen like I was fallen asleep again

" Frank did you drug the food ?" I ask

" no why?" He ask

" like I'm getting sleepy " I said " I think I need a water " I said so that I can be up till then.

Gerard gave me a glass water and drink it all so that I can awake, I don't want to fall asleep because I was asleep thirty minutes ago then I'm going sleep again . I'm not a girl who always sleeping early.

" come on let's  go to my room and rest" Gerard said

He lead me in his room but I can't take it anymore my eyes was closing and I feel dizzy so I decide to give up.

Gerard's POV

" shit!!" I shout

Bella fell in the floor because frank drug her. Lift her a bridal style and put her in the bed. Now she sleeping again.

I go downstairs to meet the other but I very pissed with Frank because he drug her, like I drug her the first time. But I won't do it again because I like her.

" WHAT THE HELL FRANK! WHY YOU PUT DRUG ON HER FOOD?" I shout because I'm really pissed with frank

" why you did the same too ha " he said

" but not like that !" I said

" yeah right and its not your day to have her it Ray's day not your" Frank said angrily " so you don't deserve to have her this day" he added

" Ray put me in charge to look after her that's why she's in my room" I explain

" oh don't give me that bullshit"

" guys stop it you fighting " Mikey shout

Then Ray came back and its a bad timing too because were arguing because of her

" thank god your back you can take Bella in your room" Frank quickly said

" no I will not take her because I found her" he smile

" who?" Frank said

" I found kyla in the Starbuck and I start to drag her and put her in the car immediately " he said excitedly

" where is she now ?" I ask look confuse because how he find her and how he know that she's in the Starbuck.

He go out side and I look to Tue window. Fuck he really capture her, is he crazy.

Kyla is still unconscious. Ray carry her as a bridal style and put her inside.

Alex eyes wide when she saw kyla

" kyla !" She shout

We didn't notice that she sitting in the couch listening to our argue lately

" Mikey lock her and Gerard let stop this nonsense arguing " he step closer to me " who get her first win" he said

" is that I challenge ?" I question

" yes is it a challenge?" He said glaring at me.

A/N: sorry for the wrong grammar

So the next chapter will have a sexual assaulted sorry for that really I'am

Pls comment me if you like it or not because I don't know of I can still continue

Thank you bye

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