waking up to the darkness

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Isabella's POV
I really don't remember how I get here, I don't know where gee. Did he left me, I thought he said that he didn't gonna leave me but why his not here with me. Then I heard footstep. Oh my god pls not again

Then the door open. My eyes wide when Frank open the door, shit its happening again, I don't want to feel that pain again pls somebody help me pls , Gerard help me.

He walk toward to me in the bed and he just looking at me with a serious look like his thinking something but you cannot guest what his thinking

" Bella" my thought was interrupt by Frank

" what do you want Frank?" I ask and little bit terrified

" what I want is you baby" he said holding my hand but I avoided it because I don't want to fucking touch him.

" where's Gerard?" I ask. I think he knows where Gerard

" do you want to know where is he ?" I nodded

" please tell me where his he?" I ask

" his in the basement tie up "

" can i see him" I said calmly

" no " he said looking down to the floor

" pls Frank I want to see him and after that you can do what ever you want to do to me" I said.

I no its wrong to think but I need it to see Gerard is ok " and place let him go too" I plead

He only look at me but then he start to kiss me and I kiss back, to be honest I was disgust kissing him but I have no choice this is the only way to save Gerard because I know Frank can kill him in any minute or second because I can feel it.

We broke to the kiss then then he lead my to the basement where gee tie up like he said earlier  

I saw him in the chair tie up but thank god Frank didn't hurt him thank god

" Bella" he saw me

" Oh god gee "I said

" your lucky bro I'm gonna let you go" Frank said behind me

" w-what ? Why "

" because I said so " I said

" no ops don't do this "

" this is the only way to save you gee to give him what his want and I will do it even it's hurt I will take it " I said between in the sob

" pls no I won't let you " I know his crying too because I was goons take Franks offer like I'm surrender myself to him

" I'm sorry gee but I need to so this" I said to him

I stand and go back to the room here I was in the first place and I'm just gonna wait here until he do what he want to do.

Gerard's POV
Frank let me go and now bella is trap in this house, in Frank's stupid house

" you can go now and I'm gonna do so much fun" he said closing the door.

Why Bella? Why you do this to yourself to save me.

I can't leave her there I need to do something to save her I can let frank to do this to her I need to save her I need to help her. If I need to die so bit it, just to save Bella from him.

A/N: Oops sorry guys if this part is crap yeah and it look like crap but wait for another chapter

Sorry for a short one
And especially to the grammar too

I want you to comment me if you like it or not but if its not that ok I deserve it, but I still need tour comment ok and yeah don't forget to vote it too

Thank you

Bye for now

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