talking, just talking

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Isabella's POV
Fuck I thought were gonna escape. I mean I thought I'm gonna escape but bad luck, Frank caught me. I wish the three are ok and send for a help.

I hear foot step and hearing something.

" pls let me go" that voice sound familiar" pls don't hurt me " fuck its Alex

" Alex!" I called her but she still crying, she didn't answer " Alex!" I called again and I don't know if she can't hear me.

I hear the door slam close I think they lock her again. Then I hear foot step.

I move away to the door and sit back to the bed again. I don't know what to do. Why this is happening to us? Why the band doing this? I thought they saving people lives? but why they doing this to us? To me?.

I just only crying there laying in the bed and don't know what to do I just want to go home with my mom, my dad, and my annoying brother. 

A few hour, I didn't know that I was fall asleep. I don't know what day today and what time is it?. But I known its night time, because I saw in the window its dark.

The door open and jump out because I didn't know who open it. The man walk to me. Its Gerard.

I look to him and his so cute and adorable. He sit next to me in the bed but I wrap my body in a blanket because I think Gerard gonna do something stupid.

" pls don't do something stupid " I said and I'm shaky right now

He just look at me and staring me like I'm a statue in the amusement park.

" me and Frank agree something" he stop

I look confuse " you with me on Monday , Frank on Tues , and Ray on Wednesday. Thursday to Sunday Umm.. I don't know " he said

" what do you mean I'm with you on Monday and Frank on Tues what is that mean ?" I ask

" you let escape the two and Frank and Ray no one to annoy it so we decide to have a schedule on you,"he explain

" then what you gonna fuck me up!" I shout on him

" if you don't want to fuck up just behave and nothing will happen to you " he said and stand but I have another question

" Mikey what about Mikey?" I ask

" don't worry about Mikey he have Alex ," he smile like Mikey gonna do something stupid.

" go to hell!!! " I throw the pillow and he immediately lock the door

" don't you fucking touch her ! " I shout And Mikey gonna rape Alex. I won't allow it.


A few hour of sitting in the bed, my tummy rumbling and I'm fucking hungry. I don't know when the last time that I eat.

The door open and I was jump out of the bed because I don't know who open the door.

" c'mon with me downstairs because your friend calling you and we want her to stop crying" he said

I just nodded and see who the guy. It's Frank. Great.

I stand and walk to him. He grab my arm and pulled me down. We go to the living room with the other. Frank is right, Alex is crying, I immediately go to her and hug her. Her eyes wide when she saw me that I'm ok

" Bella " she called and I hug her tighter.

" shh don't cry I won't allow them to hurt you " I said

The boys go to the kitchen, to give us a privacy to talk. Alex is hugging me like she won't let go because she know and I know that there's something gonna happen that is not good.

" I want to go home Bell, I want to see my boyfriend " she whisper.

" I know me too I want to go home too and see Miguel" I whisper

Yes in have boyfriend and I know his worry about me, but I know that he can't save me because he didn't know where we are. My tears going down my face an I didn't wipe it off. And I don't one why.

Alex stop crying, but she still hugging me in my chest, then the four boys came and talk to us.

" you two need to rest now because you two need some work to do" Frank order

We just nodded and walk to our room where they lock us, but Gerard grab my hand and put me in the room. But why he didn't leave, he just close the door and sit in the bed. I was just only standing there and looking at him, because I feel like his gonna do something stupid

" why you here?" I ask and look fucking terrified.

" I just want to talk to you alone " he said

" why?" I ask

" just pls sit down and let just talk " he said

I sit next to him but I'm still terrified.

" Bella I just want to talk, I will not hurt you or do something stupid ok " he said

" what do you want to talk about?" I ask

" I want to talk about what happen to the concert last week " he said

What the fuck. I been here for a week, shit, this is not good.

" why you do that?" I ask

" we do that because we all sick of the people who always following us " he said

" who following you ?"

" the paparazzi they always following us. In the house , in the party, in the mall, even to our fucking bus they always there and we all sick of it so we decided to burn the arena and fake our death" he finish

" but you still do the wrong thing because you almost killed many people inside including us. But this is the question why you really kidnapped us ?"

" we kidnapped you, because you saw what we done "

" that's the point we saw  you. No I mean I saw you do something but for heaven sake I will not tell to anybody what you did just please let us go " I said

I didn't know if he upset or got angry with me because I really want to go home to my family. His face turn down , I think I upset him.

Gerard mood change and I'm look terrified because when I said that let us go, he didn't move or talk anymore he just only sitting there and looking to floor.
" I will not let you go " he said

Shit this is not good, fuck I want to go home.

He stand and left me with no words.

A/N: pls comment me if you like its or not.

Because I don't know of I will continue writing thank you

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