knowing each other.

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Isabella's POV
Gerard lock me in his room. I don't know if this his room. What gonna happen to us here are they gonna kill us because I saw what they done to the concert.

I try to open the door, fuck its lock , we need to get out of here. I need to find a way to escape and get the others.

There's a window but I can't jump because its too high to jump and If I jump I'm going to die.

I hear foot step. I sit in the bed and bend my knee because I think Gerard is coming and do something stupid.

The door open and I see Frank. Why frank? I know this is Gerard's room but why Frank is here.

" you need to come with me " he said

" why ?" I ask.

" because your friends are downstairs waiting for you " he said

I stand and come closer to him, he immediately grab my hand then we go to the kitchen were the other is.

" Bella " kyla call, she wants to hug me but Ray stop her.

" sit down" He said to her.

I sit next to Gerard, kyla is sitting next to Ray, Liz is sitting next to Frank and Alex is sitting with Mikey.

" why we here?" I ask

" we want to have a conversation with you so that we  can know who you are" Frank said

I don't know if I can't trust them. Yeah I'm a fan of them but think of it why us,why me. We all silent for the moment and we don't know who first gonna speak. But I think Alex gonna open her mouth and she the one who talk first.

" oh ok I'm Alex I'm 18 just same of Bella's age. Umm... We been a fan of you six years. And the concert of yours is only the first time." She finish

" my name is kyla I'm 19 " Ray is looking at her " Alex said is true were been fans of you for six years and the concert of yours is only the first time. My hair is not really curly, I only curly this because I like Ray " Ray look blushing because his cheek turn red like a tomato.

" I'm Liz I'm only 17 like Alex and kyla said we been six years fans of yours, we love the song that you made. And we also wear mcr T-shirt because we love you." She finish  I don't know what the boys gonna say to us because we really love them.

" ok my name is Isabella but my friends call me Bella . You hear them earlier right," they nodded"I'm 18 too same age with Alex, ok we love you guys and we're dying to see you because were a fan of yours. I said to myself that one day I can see you in person and touch you but this ,yes I see you but not like this that you kidnapped us and locking us in the room" I said
Frank start to talk but I'm not finish.

" were here to have a nice conversation not arguing" Frank look pissed with me

" I'm just saying why you kidnapped us ha?!" I shout of him because this is not right.

" don't piss me off because you not gonna like it " Frank said

" just answer my question?" I said to him. I don't care if he pissed off

" we capture you because you saw what we did" Gerard answer my question

" if I saw what you did I'm not gonna speak to cops or something because I'm afraid" I said

" afraid of what?" Mikey ask

" afraid to tell the true because I don't want you to go to jail " I said " so now you know pls let us go" I said

" no we can't not let you guys go just like that" Frank said

" why ?" I'm pissed right now I want to go home

" because all of you saying is all lie I don't trust you, so your staying here" Frank said

" your fucking insane Frank" I shout

" I said don't piss me off " he said

" I think you better get back to your rooms " Ray said

Gerard grab my hand. He put me again in the room where I was lock on the first time

" why you can't you just let us go?" I ask him and I'm so pissed right now

" for the honest I wanted too but Frank is right we cannot just let you go because we cannot trust you" he explain

" fuck you!!?" I shout and leave me in that stinky room and lock it

I want to get out here with my friends.

I hear someone scream. Shit I hear Liz is scream

" Liz !" I shout

Omg something's wrong

" Liz ! " I shout

" ISABELLA HELP ME!" she's screaming

" shout up!" I hear Frank

" pls help me !" She shouting

" Liz !!! Frank don't hurt her pls " I shout.

" your lucky, because that not all I'm gonna do to you if you not behave " I still hear Frank.

I heard footstep and I think Frank go outside the room

"Liz are you ok ?" I ask andi one she sobbing in pain

" I want to go home, I wish we didn't go to the concert " she said
I don't know what she doing but I know she crying

" don't worry we will get out of here I promise I just need a plan" I said
It's night time and I'm still in the room sitting , walking and laying in the bed think of a plan that how we gonna escape here

I hear something and I look to the window and I see Gerard, Mikey and Ray go out and the one who left is Frank.

They drive and I don't k is where they going. Then Frank close the gate and go back to the house.

The four of us are in the different room but its all lock. I need to find away to escape but how. I look to the cabinet. I search something but my eyes caught something, it was shining. There's a pin, I think I can open it.

I go to the door and start opening the door,I know it's gonna take longer to open this but I need a hope that I can open this thing

'Ahh damn it it so hot' I said to myself.

I can't still open this door.
Shit. In a couple of minutes the others will come back soon.

A/N: sorry for the wrong grammar

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