Till the end

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Isabella's POV.
Frank caught me and I'am screaming for help but when gee came he almost punch him but he avoid it while he still holding my hair and it's hurt, I think in any minute the hair will pull off in my head.

Frank and Gerard start fighting. He throw my in the couch now I'm in pain because I hit in hard part of the couch.

" Gee!" I shout because Frank is punching him harder

I land to Frank's back and push him away but his too strong. He hold my wrist and I lay in floor where gee is, he slap me harder and I think there's a red mark in my left and right cheek

" pls stop" I plead

" you bitch"

Then Gerard hit Frank in the back with a lamp and smash all over to his back and head.

" c'mon we need to move " Gee said

I stand and we run outside of the house left there, hissing with a pain. We run and run and we don't know where are. Then I heard Frank voice


" oh god Gee "

His holding my hand and we don't know where we are, its like a forest or something but it's still daylight,

" c'mon we need to move "  he said

Until I trip and I think I can't walk

" Gee leave me, save your self"

" no I'm not gonna leave you because i love you" he said then kiss me

He carry me until we got in the road but Frank saw us and.... Shit he  start chasing us

Frank land to Gee's back and we both fall, now Frank punching and kicking gee but I start to hitting him with a big stick or branch

Until he fall into ground. I help gee to stand but he look pretty bad.

" gee pls I need you stand " I plead

" Bella run" he said

" no I will not leave you"

Then Frank start to stand but I Still hitting him with the stick or branch that I'm holding until I stab him with It in the stomach... Oh My God I killed him

I run back to Gerard and he look pretty bad I think he have a broken rib because Frank kick him many times before I  hit him.

I look to his pocket if there's a a phone. I look to His jacket there's no phone and I look to his pants pocket I... I feel there's a phone... Ahh thank god

I dial 911 and it answer. I tell them to send a ambulance here. I tell them where we are. Then I hung up

" Gee its gonna be ok " I said

The a few hours the paramedic and the police came.

" miss are you ok" I didn't answer him

My vision is getting blurred. I can't see the man face

" its all gonna be alright" that the last thing that I remember before I black out.


I open my eyes and look to the  room its all white, then I realize 
I was in the hospital. I look around and saw Alex and kyla with Ray and Mikey

" she awake!" Alex tap Mikey back

" where I am?" I ask" where's Gerard?" I added

" his ok " Mikey said " his in the others room resting"

" I want to see him" he only nodded

****skip time****

I'm in Gerard rooms and his awake.

"So what do you think what happen to Frank?" I ask

Then Ray and Mikey show up

" Guys we have a news"

" what is it?" Gerard ask

" Frank is alive but the police gonna arrest him when he wakes up"

I don't know what to say his alive. And I didn't kill him. Thank God...

I'm happy that His alive,I didn't mean to stab him in the stomach, I was shock when I did that to him but now his ok.

" hey everything will be fine" Gee said. I smile to him and kiss him. And everything will be back to normal like it use to be.

The end....

A/N: ok yeah thus is the last part of the story but don't worry I have epilogue

I'll tell you what happen next when they back in there own life's. Find out to the next chapter.

Sorry for the wrong grammar and typo.


To the end by my chemical romance

Damn I miss them so much

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