the true!

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Gerard's POV
I was out in the hospital for two days. Now the police want us to answer there question

'what happen to you guys when the fire start?'

We all both silent when they start to ask question. But one of us need to answer that question.

" what happens to us ? Is that we run when we......" I pause I moment until " when we start the fire " I answer and guilty to what we done

" why you set the stage on fire" the officer ask

" because we think its better to fake our death," the officer just look at us

" how about you two
girls? What happen to you when the fire start where did you two go ?" Kyla and Alex didn't answer the officer

" we actually kidnapped them when they saw us start the fire on stage, so that they won't talk to  the cop what we did. But I'm ... I mean we are guilty to what we done for kidnapping them because that's not part of our plan to kidnap them but then Frank said to us that they saw us so we kidnapped them. and for now we don't know where Frank and Isabella ?" I answer. The officer look confuse to us

" who's Frank and Isabella ?" The officer ask

" Frank is our guitarist in the band and Isabella is their best friend " I answer

" so do you know where they are?" He ask

I only shook my head, I even don't know where Frank and Isabella, but I want to find them, I want to see Bella again and tell her that ....... I like her.

The officer stand and leave us there in the room. The five of us sit there and look to each other. But then the officer came back.

" you can leave now and we will call you again to decide if you guys are going in " the officer said

I get what the officer that they will decided if were going in the jail. But before we go to the jail I want to find first Isabella.

The officer open the door for us but I stop in the front of him

" officer if we are going tongue jail, before that I want to find Isabella first and that when you can out us in the jail " I said to him

He only nodded and leave him there standing.

We go out of the station and shit there so many press surrounding the station and they asking question.

" what happen?!" The press ask

" who did it ?"

" where you go "

" Mr Way!!" The shout thing our name," Mr Ray" " Mr Way!!". We just ignore them and hop in the car

Then the car start and drive away from the station. The car stop in the front of the hotel. We check in and the girls go up to there room.

Mikey, Alex and me are in the one room and the other is Ray and kyla

" hey are you ok Gee?" My brother ask

" yeah I'm ok Mikey" I said

He only nodded and go to Alex where she sitting in the couch. I'm happy that my brother is happy with Alex, and what I said to him while were in that mansion that I know he can hurt Alex, I was wrong Mikey can't hurt her because I know Mikey is kind, and he love Alex, because I can see that while they together. I wish Bella is here with me and be together like she said to me that she want to get out of there and be with her forever.

My thought was interrupt when someone knock the door.

Knock... Knock..

Mikey stand and open the door, its only Ray and Kyla

" guys " he said walking toward to me

" Isabella just text me " I immediately grab the phone and look to the phone.

This is Isabella I use Frank phone to text you but Frank is asleep with me. Gerard help me Frank abusive me and I can't take it anymore his hurting me when I disobey him pls I need help guys pls.!!!!

I can't believe this Frank keep hurting her and I need to find them

" we need to find them I can't take it anymore either I want to see her and keep her safe pls guys help me " I said to them shaking and terrified, because what if frank hurt her again and do something that I will regret it.

The guys are only looking at me like they don't know what we gonna " guys help me I'm depressed pls help me to find Isabella"

" Gee we want to help bit we don't know where Frank and Isabella is" Mikey said

I fall down to the chair and think something, think of something where he took Isabella.

Alex's POV
Poor Gerard his depressed to find Isabella and Frank. I want to help but Mikey is right how we gonna help if we don't know where they are. I wish she ok even that I know Frank abusive her but I know Isabella, she can't fall that easy, she a strong girl and can fight back. I know Isabella will be ok like the rest of us.

A/N: hi guys another update but I know its slow update but don't worry I will update again just wait

So I know someone f you hate bit like i said I deserved it so it's OK that you have me, very body have to be hated by someone but not all the time.

So guys I love you all because some of you read this shitty story so yeah thank you

Pls comment me I'd you like it or not and pls vote it too ok

I'm listening right now frnkiero andthe cellaberatio: guilttripping and the song is awesome. You can download it If you want it to

Sorry for the wrong grammar and you know why

Ok bye for now

Love you guys

Remember mcr never die
I mean killjoy never die...

Bye <3

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