fun and finally

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Frank's POV
I left her in the room, laying there and I think she's pass out because I fuck her again. She need to be punish because she always disobey me and If I didn't go to the room I think I'm screw I didn't know that she using my phone and calling Ray because the only number that I have from the band is Ray's number.

I sit in the couch and I'm so exhausted today ahh... I think I need a break.

Mikey's POV
We're only in the hotel waiting for the police if they find them, because we gave the phone to the police and to track the location where's Frank and Isabella is?

I'm worried to my brother because he been quiet since Isabella call to Ray, then after that he didn't talk to us for an hour or more less.

A few minutes later the police came and give us a information. I called gee in the corner and walk toward to us

" so did you know where they are?" Gee immediately ask to the police

" yeah we find them"

" where they are ?" I ask

" not far in from here but I think they're in the middle of the forest "  holy shit they here all this time, that explain why the police easily find Frank's location

I saw Gerard face smiling at me. He hug me in relief because this bullshit will end when we save Isabella.

" thank god I'm gonna see her again" he said

He let go the hug and look to the police again.

" we gonna go now to look if they're still there ok" the police said

" can I come? I want to see her ?" Gee ask

" no Mr. Way you need to stay here and wait for the information " the officer said, but gee is stubborn he still want to go

" no I don't want to sit here and do nothing, I'm coming if you like it or not" gee said and look pissed

" ok you can come but we want you to stay back and do not near to the house or whatsoever ok," He nodded

Gerard's POV
The police officer when out the hotel then I follow them because I want to come and to see Isabella again. And capture Frank. If I saw Frank again I think I'm gonna beat a crap out of him and see no daylight anymore.

Few hour of driving ..

We got to our destination and I saw a house and there's a plenty of tree and leaves are hanging in the house, Isabella is right you can't see the outside world anymore because they blocking the view.

I stop in the front of the house with the police officer. The office jump out of his car but, me. I only stay here in my car because they said so.

They knock first if somebody home, but no respond. So they force to open the door and it won't bunch so they decide to kick it and it open. They rush in  the house and look if there someone inside. I wait for a couple of hours to wait to the officer to come outside but there's no one coming out. I decided to jump out to my car but then suddenly the officer came out and his talking to his walkie talkie. I walk to him and start to ask what happen

" Frank is not here"

" WHAT?!" I raised my voice and the police officer raise his one eyebrow and look at me

" sorry" I said to apologetic tone because I didn't mean to shout at him

"The paramedics is coming here to pick up the girl upstairs. "

What Isabella is here? I want to go to her but the police stop me to go inside the house

" you cannot go there and I think you don't want to see what she's look like right now, she got worst beat up" the officer explain

" Is she's alive ?"

" yea she's alive but not that lon- " the officer was interrupted by the ambulance siren " excuse me of a sec." He said

I move back to give the paramedic a space and go inside the house. Then a few minutes the paramedic came out with Isabella.

Oh my god she look terrible and worst beat up, she have may cuts and bruiser and scratches and most of all I saw a purple mark all over her body. They put her in the ambulance vehicle. They didn't let me in because they said it was dangerous if I was there. So I decide to follow them where they taking her, I know they taking her in the hospital but where?

I start to call Mikey and come to the hospital as soon as possible and I give them the location as not as far from the hotel too.

I stop in the front of the hospital and immediately run to the hall where Isabella is recovering.

I sit in the chair wait for the guys to came and wait for the Doctor to come out if Bella is ok or not.

This is all my fault I wish I didn't agree to Frank's plan, I wish I didn't agree to kidnap the girls and I wish I didn't let this happen to Isabella this all my fucking fault and I really deserved to punish.

I was interrupt by the sound of a people who running in the hall. I saw Mikey, Ray and the girls. They hug me tightly.

" so what happen to her ?" Kyla ask and look shaking

" I don't know the doctor didn't say anything yet but this is the only thing that I know there's a chance that she can't make it  because of the punch and beat that Frank made " Alex put her hand to her mouth like she can't believe that her best friend is going to die because of me this is all my fault.

" hey don't worry she'll make it I promise " Mikey said to Alex, she only nodded  " she'll make it gee and I know it" he said shaking my shoulder to wake me for the reality. I smile and nodded.

This is what I been waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us what happen to Isabella. We all look to him and say " she's ok now but she need to stay here I think four or six week because she have many fracture in her body especially she have three broken rib in her left side but now she sleeping and I don't know when she gonna wake up," the doctor said

" can we see her now?" I ask because I really want to see her

" yes you can, but I want you to be careful when you holding and touching her because the fracture maybe worst if you force to touch her ok" I nodded..
Then the doctor left us and go to her room.

I walk toward to her, she look peaceful when she's sleeping but there's a lot of bruises and scratches to her face and to her body. I let down my tears down to my cheeks I don't care if I'm crying or not but the most important that she save now and no one will hurt her because I'm here to protect her no matter what happen, even its kill me.

A/N: thats a long update I'm very sorry because I have problem on my internet so that why I didn't update for a couple of week so pls don't be mad but I know you hate me I deserve it truly.

Don't worry I update as soon as possible.

Sorry for the wrong grammar and for some wrong typo

Bye for now wait for another update


Keep it ugly ......

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