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Alex's POV.
I'm in the room whole day and I want of go home. Me and Bella are in here for a week and I know my mom gonna freak out because were now missing, and I hope Liz and kyla send a help to rescue us and I wish they ok. 

I hear foot step then Mikey show up smiling at me.
" hi Alex" he said. Why his smiling ? He sit next to me and start to talk.

" Alex I like you " he said. My eyes wide when he said that to me. I like him too but...I don't know what to say. His eyes looking straight to me, I think his waiting me to say something. But I don't know what to say. He move close but I move back because I'm afraid that he do something that I didn't like. He hold my hand and start kissing it but Pull my hand away from him and he get mad. He didn't say anything then he start laying to of me and kissing me in the neck down to the chest. I want to shout but I can't I don't know why? He pull by top and see my bra. Then I start to cry and beg not to do it not this way. Then he stop when I said that. He immediately leave and shut the door front of me. I can't believe that he do that.

I was sitting in the corner and waiting for death. Then suddenly the door open. I didn't look who came in, I don't care anymore
" Alex" the  voice sound familiar. I look closer and its was Isabella. She walk toward me and saw me sitting in the corner.

" Bella thank God your here" I said and hug her

" why? What happen?" She ask

" Mikey almost rape me" I said the true that Mikey almost rape and cry to her hugging her tighter.

" shhh don't cry now I'm here" she said while I'm hugging her

" I want to go home" I said still crying" I don't want stay here be  rape by a psycho" I added

" I know Alex , I know, we getting out of here I promise" she said and still hugging her.

A/N: sorry this is short because this I only a previous what Mikey did to Alex before Bella came to her room that's all

Pls comment of you like it or not.

Sorry for the wrong grammar.

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