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A/N: I'm gonna warning you guys because of the language that you will read in this chapter so sorry for that
And this is all Gerard's POV that all enjoy

Gerard's POV
Its been a month and Franks still hunting Bella.

Last night he text her again and this his the third time that Bella change her number and Frank still know her number. I don't know if he follow us because every moment that Bella do he describe it. And thats was a quite scary because he can see what we doing.

F: your so fucking sexy with that dress I can wait to get you :)

Bella throw her phone and scream, I was there when she did that and I saw the text, I don't know what I'm gonna do if Frank take her. I'm think I'm gonna be lost if that happen

" he will not stop Gee, I want to all of this to be over, pls help me " she sob on my shirt

" shhh!! I'm here, I will not leave you, I'm here we will solve this ok" I said to her and still crying

" ok let just sleep ok" she nodded and we fall asleep

***** skip time****

I woke and its only 3:45am in the morning and still dark. Bella is still sleeping with me. I don't know why I wake up in this time then suddenly there's a noise downstairs like there's thief or something.

I check if there someone downstairs and Bella is still sleeping. I hold a bat so that I can hit whoever in our house.

When I turn the light on, there's nobody here, I go up again to go back to Isabella but then when I was walking back the room I saw the door is open. Before I go downstairs I close it but why now its open. Suddenly someone knock me and I was black out, I don't remember what happen then.


Ah my head. That was so ahh wow. Someone knock me out. I look to the room where I was, I think I'm in the basement or something I don't know it's was black and the only thing I see is black and the light is only above me but the whole room is black. Then I heard someone screaming.

Fuck Isabella, then I didn't notice I was tie up. Shit. I need to get her, I think Frank raping her again

And the scream stop, what happen to her? Did Frank kill her? What did he did? If Frank do something to her I'm gonna fucking murder him,I'm gonna kill him if something happen to her m, I swear to God I'm gonna kill him.

A few hours of silent and I don't know what happen to Bella. The door open and I see Frank smiling at me, why he smiling?

" hey Gee long time no see?" he said smiling.

I glare at him. I look to him with I anger emotion, I don't k ow why he doing this.

" what did you do to her ?" I ask still anger emotion

" she in my room sleeping" he said


" oh do you want to know? " he said laughing

" tell me what did you do?"

" ok I did it again" he said raising her both hand

" what?! You fucking bastard why?!"

" why because I like her " he said

" no you don't like her you only one her to be your sex slave"

" ok you know what gee I'm sick of this and let me tell you gee I'm gonna kill you and you will never see daylight again you understand me if you not shout your mouth and talk to me like this I'm gonna fucking kill you " he threaten me

" and then what you gonna kill her too?"

" no I'm gonna do it all over again until she cannot walk " smiling

" you fucking bastard you a monster "

" yeah I'm a monster but you can't stop me because you Tie up in here and I'm fucking her there, awe is geebear are gonna cry because I fucking her girlfriend haha" he laugh then leave me here tie up in this stupid chair and I need to get her before anything happen to her. I can't help myself if Bella die, I won't allow it because if that happen I'm gonna murder him for killing her

A/N: sorry for the chapter because it little bit crappy so sorry for that

Sorry for the wrong grammar and for the short chapter


' The world is ugly but you beautiful to me '

Keep it ugly...


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