Chapter 27

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Dedicated to anyone who loves someone.

Chapter 27

Ashlynn POV

I glanced back at Natalie one last time before breaking into a full on sprint and changing into my wolf form.  I snarled as I burst out of the room with the others and we all raced outside, trying to figure out where the battle was going on, and where the screams were coming from.

It was easy to trace the prominent and unfamiliar scent that came from the rogues and hunters.  The scent made me wrinkle my nose in disgust and bad memories filled up my head, but I shook them away because I couldn't afford to be thinking of something else other than fighting right now.

As I burst out of the house, I immediately saw the chaos.  I growled, but before I could jump into battle, a large furry body landed on me, jaws furiously snapping at me.  The weight of the large rogue was crushing me, and I struggled to get out from under him, but it was hard, especially since I had to dodge his vicious attacks as well.

Finally, I wiggled my paws out and scratched down the sides of the rogue, causing the wolf to howl in pain, and lose his focus for a second, but that second was enough for me to flip him over, and bite down hard on his leg, leaving a humongous bloody gash there, a gash that would stop him from fighting anymore in the battle.  

I ignored the painful whimpers and cries that came from the wolf.  I felt sick.  I always felt horrible after hurting my own kind, but we were in battle, and I either had to do that, or be killed.

Kill or be killed.

Those were the words I had implanted in my head ever since I had started actually fighting and hurting people in battle.  They had brought me a long way in the war between my conscious and my brain.  

Another wolf flew at me, but this time, I was ready and the wolf was slightly smaller than me.  We both struggled against each other, jaws snapping and claws digging into each other.  I felt another jaw clamp down on my leg and I howled in pain, startling the wolf on top of me.  I finally bit down on the wolf's flank and flung her off of me.  

I faced the other wolf who had clamped down on my leg but he was running to the wolf I had flung off of me, worry clearly etched in his eyes.  I paused for a moment, studying the pair and the emotions on the male wolf's face.  They were obviously mates.

The male wolf lifted his head up to look at me, an angry and defiant look in his eyes.  He let out a vicious snarl and I could tell that he wanted to rip my throat out for hurting his mate, but there was something that was stopping him.  I studied him even more, and recognized the understanding in his eyes.  He knew.  And he understood.  Neither of us truly wanted to hurt our own kind.

Turning away, I bounded off, once again submerging myself in the bloody battle.  I lost track of time, and everyone else around me.  All I could focus on was this chaos that surrounded me, practically suffocating me.  I had to admit, I fought with less mercy than I would've liked, but it was the only mercy I could afford.

The rogues and hunters finally backed down because they knew they wouldn't survive if they kept on fighting.  I was grateful that they decided to stop.  I had a particularly nasty wound on my side, but it wasn't fatal, so I would be okay.  The gash on my leg was bleeding profusely, but I just needed to stop the blood flow and it would be fine.

I was one of the luckier ones.

Many werewolves were wounded badly, and we had lost quite a few of our own as well.  I saw people nearby grieving, making my heart ache.  Suddenly, a wave of worry washed over me.  I frantically searched for a dark shiny brown head that belonged to Natalie.  When I saw her helping some of the younger werewolves, I let out a humongous sigh of relief, but that relief was cut short when I saw Xavier kneeling over a figure.

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