Chapter 1

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Dedicated to XxpurplehorsefreakxX for making my awesome cover!!  I love it, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 1

Ashlynn POV

I screamed, shooting straight up from the hard floor, my limp black hair plastered to my neck with sweat as my eyes furiously glanced around, wide with fright.  When I realized that I was in my room, I instantly relaxed and picked up the thin blanket that I used, wrapping it around me, wishing that it could block out the cold shivers that ran up and down my spine, but it did nothing.

I scooted over to the closest wall and leaned against it, wrapping my blanket tighter around me, dropping my head onto my knees.  It had almost been three years since they died.  Three years since I felt their love.  Three years since I had ever felt any love at all. 

Dad, Mom, I wish you were still here.

And with that, I succumbed to the blackness that was taking over me.


I jumped out of my bed, or if you could call it a bed since it only consisted of a thin and old blanket, the mattress apparently the hard wooden floor.  I slammed my weak hand down on my alarm clock, throwing on a T-shirt and a pair of jeans, running my hand through my black hair before sprinting down many flights of stairs to the kitchen to start making breakfast, not even glancing in the mirror that was in my room.

When I looked in the mirror, it only reminded me how weak and ugly I was.  How pathetic I was.  I shook those thoughts out of my head before pulling out eggs, pancake batter, flour, and a bunch of other ingredients.

Today was a big day since Xavier, the Alpha's son and soon-to-be Alpha, would find his mate.  Everyone else may be celebrating and there would be a lot of partying since it was also Xavier's 16th birthday, but for me, it only meant more work and insults.  I had to admit, though, I was interested in who Xavier's mate would be.  I only hoped she would soften him up a bit so he wouldn't bully me so much everyday, though I doubted it.  Everyone hated me, but I was sure my brother and Xavier hated me the most.

I worked extra carefully, but still going at a fast pace since I still had to clean up all the plates later before I went to school.  I brushed a loose strand of hair back and yawned, covering it up quickly and setting the finished breakfast onto the table.  I made a couple of salads since some blonde bimbos in our pack, the Sunmoon Pack, were extremely picky about what they ate.

I cracked a small smile when I finished, rushing back upstairs so none of the pack would see me, giving them an excuse to hit me.  I was the human punching bag of the pack, it kind of being ironic, since I was a werewolf, but I was definitely as weak as a human, though I could shift, my wolf tiny and weak, just like me. 

On my way up the stairs, I bumped into someone hard, me falling back down the stairs and landing on my back, hard.  I groaned as my body made contact with the hard marble floor, but I sucked the pain up, like always and immediately went down on my knees, my hair covering my face like a curtain, "I'm so sorry," I whispered as traitorous tears fell down my cheeks due to my pain, "I'm so, so sorry," I repeated, hoping my punishment wouldn't be so severe.

As I expected, a rough hand whipped across my cheek as I flew sideways into a wall, groaning as I heard a crack.  I slowly slid down and lifted my eyes to meet the blue ones of Logan's, eyes that matched my dad's.  Of course, it was my brother.

I dropped my head back down and slowly got up, my back protesting but I had to show my brother that he could hit me as many times as he wanted, but I would get up every single time.  Every single damn time.

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