Chapter 2

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Dedicated to sakurahino for fanning me!!!!  Thanks a ton!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 2:

Ashlynn POV

Even though I was broken into pieces and my wolf was hurting like hell, for once in my life, I felt unstoppable as I ran.  The thumping of my paws on the ground gave me a rhythm to listen to other than the painful howls that filled my whole body with excruciating pain.  The wind rushed past me, stinging my face but keeping me on my feet and alive.  Alive.

All my life I had always been tortured, taunted, and picked on until I just couldn't take it.  But the point was, I did.  I did take all this suffering, and here I was.  Running away from the suffering.  I was still alive, still breathing, still making my life worth something, even though nobody else though it did.  I slowed down a bit, breathing hard and hating how out of shape I was, but knowing that I would slowly get stronger as I continued on running.

This time, nobody would stop me.

Logan POV

I glanced around at everyone around me, drunk, laughing hysterically with their words slurring together.  I glanced at the cup in my right hand, and for some reason, I just couldn't bring myself to drink it.  I wanted to get drunk like everyone else, to forget everything for some time, the pain that filled me when I thought of my parents and...

No, I wouldn't think abut them.

But something was different tonight and I couldn't quite put my finger on it.  I sighed and started up the stairs, ignoring the girls that brushed past me, their smiles hinting their true desires.  I rolled my eyes and kept on going up the stairs, barely even knowing why.

Finally, I reached the top floor and looked around in confusion.  What was I doing here?  My pathetic loser of a sister lived up here.  I couldn't even believe that someone as weak as her was my sister.  I bristled when I thought of how she was the cause of our parents' death.  Sure I felt guilty sometimes for bullying her and treating her like shit, but she deserved it.

I looked around the empty and cold place, no signs of life anywhere.  And that's when it hit me.  This place was a little too empty.  My heart pounded in my chest as the wolf inside me howled in dread, as if he knew what was to come.

I slowly walked around, sniffing, not sure what was happening, or had happened.  I caught a faint trace of Xavier's scent, but I wasn't sure why.  I had seen him on my way up the stairs but he had seemed distracted, so I ignored him, wanting to give him some space.  In a way, I felt bad for him, he hadn't found his mate yet, and was stuck with Stacy for the time being.  I shuddered, not wanting to be in his place.

I couldn't find anything out of place, but the nagging feeling was still there.  A little prickle at the base of my spine that just wouldn't go away.  My feet moved on their own accord, as if they already knew what was happening, and I was just so blind and stupid not to see it.  I quickened my pace and stopped at a door.

The once white door was dirtied up and unkempt.  Cracks covered it from top to bottom and it didn't even stand upright properly, leaning over a little bit, the doorknob dingy, loose, and just plain disgusting.  Why was I right in front of this door?

And that's when it hit me.  This was where Ashlynn lived.  This cold and small dirty place with coldness seeping through every crack was where my own little sister lived.  A pang of pain hit me.  Ashlynn's room?

I started to turn away, but stopped.  The nagging feeling was still there.  Suddenly, a wave of dread washed over me as I felt myself start sweating, as I realized now why the place was so empty.  I couldn't even smell Ashlynn's scent from her room, only a faint trace that was barely there.  A cold pit rested in my stomach as I slowly turned the doorknob.

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