Chapter 13

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Dedicated to... anyone who's ever had a nightmare before.

Some of the comments in the last chapter stated that some people were confused about what was happening, and why Ashlynn was the target to the rogues and hunters.  I didn't mean that Ashlynn was a specific target for the rogues and hunters.  The rogues and hunters want to kill off as many of the werewolves as they can, so basically, everyone's target, not specifically only Ashlynn.  I hope that clears everything up!!

Chapter 13

Ashlynn POV

That scent, I would know that scent anywhere.  After all, it had been haunting me in my dreams, nightmares, and fears for three years.  Three long and tiring years that had my bones aching for peace, peace that could only be found after my soul had moved on.

That scent...

Rogues.  Hunters.  I stumbled back, my whole body shaking at the sight of the terrifying rogue towering over me.  Everything around me seemed blurry and I couldn't help but see flashbacks of that night flash through my mind all over again.  Oh god, somebody, help me.

I took another step back, and tripped over something, falling hard on the ground.  The hard impact shook me awake, and I quickly got up, frantically trying to clear my mind.  I didn't have time to worry about myself, especially since Shay was also a target in this room, and she couldn't walk.  I would have to worry about her first.  

I heard a ripping beside me and I turned to see Paul in his beautiful black brown wolf, snarling at the rogue, the rogue's attention diverted to him instead.  I watched as a cruel smile slowly curved its way onto the rogue's wolf, a sinister glint in his eyes that chilled me to the bone.  It was like the rogue knew that he could easily defeat Paul, like he could already see a strong weakness.  I cocked my head in confusion.

I looked from the rogue back to Paul for a few moments, my mind clear now and thinking, the gears desperately turning in my head, trying to find the solution.  When I came up with nothing, I almost stomped my foot like a five year old in frustration.  I had to think.  I needed to figure this out, or else this could get deadly.  Very, very deadly.

This time, I decided to not only focus on Paul and the rogue.  I needed to focus on what was around them, because it obviously wasn't Paul himself that made the rogue think he was easy to beat.  After all, he was Beta, and he was definitely a super scary looking wolf when he was angry and protecting his loved ones.

And that's when it hit me.  Loved ones!  That was it.  Shay was his weakness.  It was obvious with the way he was standing protectively in front of her bed with her looking everywhere, as if trying to find an escape, but not getting one.  The rogue knew there was something weird about Shay, especially since she was still in the bed, even though an attack was going on.  He must have figured out that she was disabled somehow.  

The rogue would go for Shay, though Paul wouldn't know that, since he thought he was protecting Shay by getting in front of her, as if the rogue would attack him instead.  I had to do something.  But the question was... 


I started looking around, wondering if it was even possible to get Shay out of here quickly before the chaos started.  Right now, Paul and the rogue were still snarling at each other, Paul paying too much attention on his need to protect that he couldn't focus clearly on the rogue.  It happened to us all, especially if the one you were protecting was your mate.

And that's when I saw it.  The rogue's hackles raising, ready to lunge.  I panicked.  I hadn't thought of an idea yet!  I started looking around the room even more frantically than before, but not finding anything at all that would help me.

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