Chapter 16

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Dedicated to anyone who has ever shed a tear while reading a book.

Hey guys!  And I just wanted to let you know that I changed a little something.  Before, in the description, it had said '3 years later, Ashlynn's back...".  Instead, I changed it to two years, and I know, I know, I suck, but I'm so sorry!  I wasn't thinking very clearly when I wrote the description, and all this time, I thought I put two years, but when I went back to look at it, I noticed that it said three years.  So, so, so, so, so, so, so, sorry guys!!!!!!!

Chapter 16

Around 2 Years Later

Ashlynn POV

Two years is a long, long, long time.  

People say that two years is short.  It's only two simple and short years.  Nothing much can happen in two years.  But that's not true.  That's not true at all.

In two years, miraculous and magical things can happen.  Things that can change your life forever and ever.  In two years, you can change many things.  Your physical appearance, your beliefs, your dreams, your nightmares, your hopes...

Your loves.

In two years, you can do so many things, discover so many things, see so many things.  In two years, you can do everything.  You can go climb up Mt. Everest, go sky diving, bungee jump, fly a plane, or simply, just simply, read a book that you wanted to read.

Two years.

How can you do everything in two years?  How?  

The answer is: There's no way.  

It's not how.  It's why.  Why can you do everything in two years?  Why?  

Because as long as you believe that can you do everything, you can do it.  Believing may just be a little something, but something...

Can be everything. 


"Wake up!" A masculine voice called from outside my bedroom.

I groaned and rolled over in my bed, muttering, "Shut up, shut up," I took my pillow and covered it over my ears.

"You're so mean to me!" The voice outside the door said, feigning hurt.

"Yeah, well, you deserve it," I moaned, my eyelids droopy with much needed sleep.

"That's it!  I'm coming in!" The voice shouted and I groaned louder, knowing there was no way out of this.  I hid under the covers and pulled them tighter around me, trying to make the best of the situation.

It definitely didn't help at all, seeing how Nick easily pulled the covers off of me, "You're so going to get it!" He playfully teased.

"Come on," I whined like a five year old, "I'm tired!"

"You have school today, Ashlynn," Nick reminded me.

Not being able to think of any witty retort to Nick's reminder due to my sleepiness, I closed my eyes and rolled over again, saying, "Shut up, shut up,"

Nick laughed, "Come on, Ashlynn!  Seriously, don't make me tickle you!"

I shot up faster than a bullet, my eyes wide and scared, "I'm up!  I'm up!  I'm definitely up!" I shouted, holding out my hands in front of me, showing surrender.

Nick laughed again, slinging an arm around my shoulder, "That works every time!" He leaned down and pecked my cheek, making me scowl, when really, it sent tiny little shivers of pleasure slithering down my spine.

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