Chapter 21

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Dedicated to anyone who already has loads of homework!

Chapter 21

Ashlynn POV

I rushed down the stairs in a hurry, wondering if I could make it to school.  The only reason I was going was because there were some things I really didn't want to think about, and I'm sure that some crazy formulas and vocabulary words would make me focus on those instead.  I leaped across the last couple of stairs and burst out the door, seeing Derek impatiently waiting outside next to his car, giving me a look as he saw how long I had took.

I shook my head at Derek, knowing a question was forming in his head, but I really didn't feel like answering it right now.  Today really was turning out to be a bad day, no, not a bad day, but an absolutely horrible day.

Sighing, I plopped down into Derek's car with a hard thud, blowing out another frustrated breath as I closed the door with great force, the car rattling.  Derek winced, "That bad, huh?"

I didn't answer and Derek let out a frustrated breath similar to mine, before saying, "Well, don't take it out on poor Katy," He lovingly caressed the driving wheel, and I rolled my eyes, letting out a light snort.

Boys and their cars.  I mean, seriously?  I get the fact that they think that cars are cool and all, but naming their car?  That is just way too absurd.  And Katy?  Who named their car Katy?

Derek, apparently.

"Katy" wasn't a flashy Mercedes or anything like that.  In fact, it was a rattly old car that could barely move a mile an hour, but Derek loved it.  He had gotten it from his dad, who had loved Katy too.  I had chuckled when Derek told me that when his dad and his mom first met, there had been a big misunderstanding about who, or should I say what Katy was.

"Come on, let's hurry up and get to school.  I swear, with this car, by the time we get there, school's going to be out," I teasingly said, knowing that right now, it was almost lunch time.

This time it was Derek's turn to roll his eyes, "Oh please," he scoffed, "Katy will get us there in no time,"

"That's what you said last time," I reminded him, "And remember how that turned out?"

Derek scowled at the fact that I was right, and I gave him a smug smirk, making him even grouchier.  The last time Derek drove us to school with Katy, she had broken down, but Derek, being a pro with cars, fixed her up easily.  Except for the fact that she broke down again, and then again, and... then again.  Katy had broken down four times on the supposed-to-be five minute ride to school.  In the end, I left Derek in the car and walked to school.  

Derek got to school an hour later.

So why, you ask, was I sitting here in poor little Katy, when I could just walk to school and probably get there two hours earlier than Derek?  

That was just the thing.  I wanted to be late.  Even though I wanted to go to school, I still wanted to go as late as possible.  I didn't know how to explain it, but then again, what happened today that I could explain?

I sighed, dropping my head into my hands and rubbing it against my hands tightly with frustration and exhaustion.  Derek glanced at me with a worried look, but he didn't say anything.  He knew that I didn't want to talk about it right now.

Or ever, really.

Shaking my head, I looked out the window, staring at the scenery that passed by, my eyes filling with awe as I saw how beautiful this place really was.  I really was lucky to have stumbled onto Shadowlight pack territory, or else I wouldn't be where I was today.

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