Chapter 10

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Dedicated to everyone who's reading this right now!!!!!!!!!!!  :D

Chapter 10

Ashlynn POV

I stared at all the food in front of me.  That was the only thing I did.  I just stared.  I couldn't seem to stop staring.  "Wow," I finally managed.

"Yeah," Nick replied, clearly amused by me, "Magaret has a lot to feed,"

I gaped at all the different platters of food, even more than I ever had to cook for my own pack.  There were too many types of eggs laid out all across the table, some of which I didn't even know the name of.  Plus, in the middle were heaps and heaps of pancakes that were almost threatening to topple right off the table, but somehow, they were keeping their balance.  And that was the only the start of all the food that was not only on the kitchen table, but on the counters, trays piling up and up, carefully balanced on each other in an absolutely absurd way that had me gaping.

"Wow," I said again.  I really needed to lengthen my vocabulary.

Nick chuckled, "Yeah, I think you already said that,"

I flushed, and quickly tucked a stray hand of hair behind my ear, shyly smiling, wondering if this what being normal meant.  Light teasing with your friends and laughs inserted every now and then, filling the place up with brightness and warmth.

"Dig in," Nick said, gesturing to everything around me.  I didn't even know where to start.  I could always start with the eggs, or maybe the pancakes.  Did I want the sweet or the salty first?  Or maybe I should have a piece of toast with some strawberry jam.  Wait, maybe I should get a biscuit instead, no, I should definitely eat the hash browns.  Or I could always just start with the eggs.  Or the pancakes.  I mean, it depended on if I wanted salty...

I groaned, my head was going in circles and circles, thinking harder than I probably ever had to, and it was only breakfast!  I sighed, and a sharp voice interrupted my thoughts, "Try the hash browns first, they're really good," 

I jumped in surprise and turned, my mouth dropping open.  A girl stood in front of me, her piercing gray eyes penetrating into mine.  She had dark shiny brown locks that cascaded down her back in a beautifully effortless way that would easily catch the attention of anyone walking by.  Her skin was a creamy white though it still seemed to sparkle and radiate.  She was, in one word... Drop dead gorgeous.  Well, three words, same thing.

I registered a slight movement next to me, but I was too focused on this girl who had easily captured my attention, her gray eyes amused as she looked at me.  "Natalie, by the way," She said, her voice sharp and cutting, though it wasn't something bad, in fact, it only seemed to add to her appeal.

I finally caught onto the fact that I was supposed to reply, so I closed my mouth, and an warm flush started its way onto my neck and face.  "M-My n-n-name's A-A-Ashlynn," I stammered out, mentally hitting myself at how stupid I sounded, not that that was a surprise.

Natalie laughed, throwing her head back, so that her glossy curls tumbled over her shoulders and down her back like a waterfall.  It was a pure sound, her laugh.  High and melodic, clearly very noticeable and it would probably attract the attention of many people nearby.  Everything about her just seemed to draw you to her.

Her laugh stopped though when her eyes narrowed in onto something on my left, or should I say someone on my left.  I watched as she tensed, "Nick," She said tersely, her voice tight and clenched together.  

"Natalie," Nick politely greeted, and I turned to him, noticing that the movement earlier had been him stiffening.  I probably couldn't cut the tension crackling between them even if I wanted to.  There was silence, and I uncomfortably squirmed, knowing there was something going on between Nick and Natalie.  You had to be blind not to notice something.  

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