Chapter 9

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Dedicated to everyone who voted, fanned, and commented!!!!!!!!!!  It means a lot to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Especially dedicated to my friend, @dogandbookluver321!!!!!!!!!!  You're awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Chapter 9

Ashlynn POV

I buried my head in my hands, trying really hard to push back all of the images that tauntingly floated into my mind.  Calm.  Down.  I told myself over and over again.  Those two words seemed to be the only thing I said to myself these days.  It was like every corner I turned, there was something that had my heart thumping faster.  I had to do something about it.

"Hey," Nick soothingly said to me, rubbing circles on my back, "It's okay,"

I lifted my head up and stared into his calm emerald green orbs.  How did he do that?  Stay so calm and focused all the time?  "No," I finally managed to say, "It isn't,"

My mind was on full on thinking mode as I got out of my bed and started pacing around, for once, my mind focused and alert, knowing what I really wanted to do.  I just needed to get my mind off of the nightmares and onto something different, something worthwhile, something actually important, "Training," I finally said.

"Wait, what?" Nick said, confused.

"You need to train me," I said slowly, making sure that I emphasized every single little syllable.  

Nick sighed, not even fazed, "You're crazy.  Two seconds ago you were hyperventilating over a nightmare and now, it's 3 AM in the morning, and you're telling me you want me to train you,"

"Yes," I replied, keeping a perfectly serious face, showing him that I was serious.

Nick stared at me for a moment longer, his green eyes searching my face, as if trying to look for something that would make it easy for him to refuse him.  He finally only said, "You're insane,"

What in the world did that mean?  Did that mean he wasn't going to train me?  Did that he was going to train me?  Did it mean that somebody else was going to train me?  I kept on running these questions through my head, trying to decipher the meaning between Nick's two simple words, but to me, those two words were far worse than any complicated math problem I had ever solved.

Nick, as if sensing the turmoil in my head said, "You have two hours to sleep.  At 5 AM sharp, you will be up and ready.  Meet me at the front of the pack house.  We definitely have some serious training to do," And with that, he walked out of my room.

I blinked.  Once.  Twice.  Three times.  "Oh my god," I finally whispered, "Oh my god," I repeated louder this time.  "Oh my god!" I screamed, doing a crazy dance, and when I meant crazy, I mean seriously crazy, since I probably looked like a spastic chicken.  But I sure as hell didn't care with all the excitement bubbling in me, ready to burst over into a waterfall.

I heard a stifled laugh and I turned to see Paul, who was covering his mouth while Derek's lips were twitching like crazy.  When they saw me staring at them, Paul coughed and Derek's face turned into a scowl, though I saw the hint of a smile behind it.  "Next time, don't wake us up at 3 AM in the morning," Derek muttered before storming away.

Paul smiled, "You should teach us some of your moves next time," He said, keeping a completely straight face before walking away, quietly chuckling to himself.

I was left standing there, staring after the both of them, but then I shrugged, feeling lighter than I had felt in a long time.  I set the alarm on the clock, which was on the dresser, for 4: 45 AM, and snuggled into the covers, loving how there was this feather light feeling in my chest that bounced all around in my body, warming me up immediately.

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