Chapter 8: The Kiss

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[ Neymar P.O.V]
  I got up early the next morning because we have a game and I wanted to get a gift for someone before the game.
After I brought the gift I went to Camp Nou, many other players were there because they were training.
I was still wondering who that Jacob guys is?!
Maybe I'll ask her after the game if she has a boyfriend.

[ Camila's P.O.V]
  I decided to sleep in a little today because we had to go to Camp Nou at 2:30 for a game. I was so excited to seem them play. I wonder if Neymar is really good?!
When I was pick out what to where I realized I didn't have a Barcelona jersey. I might just buy one before the game. This would be a very special game, FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid. Julianna and I got ready early so we could go shopping before the game.
At about 1:45 Luis drove us to Camp Nou.
While I was walking toward the gift store, I saw Neymar behind me.
"Camila can I talk to you for a minute" he called. I turned around and saw he had a FC Barcelona gift bag in his hand. He opened the bag and pulled out a FCB jersey!
He turned it around and on the back it said Camila, with the number 11 just like him. I was sooo happy that I jumped on him and gave him a hug. "This is just a little gift form me" Neymar smiled. "Omg you are the best" I screamed.
So I quickly went to the bathroom and put it on, when I came back I wished him luck. FC Barcelona have to win this game.
During the game Messi scored the first goal! We were winning 1-0. Just before half time Cristiano Ronaldo scored to make it 1-1. After half time, both teams started to get very aggressive. Barca kept missing chances to soccer and they become very frustrated. There were 5 minutes left and Messi passed the ball to Neymar, he quickly turned and shot it with the right amount of power and scored!
All the boys where screaming and I was too! Neymar turned around and dedicated his goal to me. I felt so special.
We ended up winning 2-1. I congratulated the boys when they came out of the change room. They invited Julianna and I to a party at Pique's house.
Neymar drove me there, and in the middle of the car ride he asked if I had any siblings. I told him I had a younger sister. Next he asked me if I had a boyfriend, I told him about my ex Jacob. Jacob never really liked me, he just used me for the things I had and he keeps trying to get back together. We finally got to Pique's house, the boys were screaming and dancing. A slow song came on and Neymar asked me to dance. I was very shy, but who cares, I didn't want to make him feel bad, so I danced. We had so much fun! Neymar dropped me and Julianna home at 1:00am. I was going to give him a small kiss on the cheek but he turned his head really quickly. So I ended up kissing his lips, we pulled back fast. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too." He said embarrassed. It wasn't your fault, but goodnight Neymar, see you soon" I replied.
Thanks for reading💋💘💙
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