Chapter 9: The text

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[ Camila's P.O.V ]
When I got back yo my hotel room with Julianna, she was laughing so much about me and Neymar. "It looked like he did that on purpose. I think he likes you" Julianna said. "Maybe" I replied. I think I might like him too, I said to myself. "What if he has a girlfriend" I thought out loud. "Possibly because he's Neymar Jr" said Julianna. I was so tied to think any more so I just fell asleep.
The next morning a got a text from an unknown number. It said: Hey Camila, I have a surprise for you. Meet me at Camp Nou at 12:00pm." For a second I was going to delete the message, but what if it was Neymar. So I kept it and asked Julianna if I should go. She thought I should and she'd come just incase. We both ate breakfast and she was texting Marc. They'd make a lovely couple.
It was 11:45, so we asked Luis to drive to Camp Nou.
Once we got there, the building was very dark inside. There where only candles leading the pathway. Julianna and I where holding each other close. The pathway ended up at the soccer field. I could see a dark figure walking close to me. When he came closer to the light I saw it was.......Jacob. I was furious to see him. I turned around and started to walk any, but he grabbed my shoulder. Julianna tried to help me free, but his grip was strong and he pushed her to the ground. I screamed, hoping someone would hear. I was trying so hard to get loose. Finally I could hear footsteps in the hall coming towards us. As he came closer it was Neymar, when he saw me he came running. "Get your fit hot paws off my woman, who do you think you are? Leave, just get out" Neymar said as he push Jacob to the ground. Neymar grabbed me and Jacob left. "Omg I'm so happy to see you. You saved me" I said thankfully. "Oh it's nothing" Neymar said. "Wait where is Juilanna" I yelled. We turned around to see her on the floor. The side of her head was bleeding so we took her to the hospital immediately.
The doctor checked her and told us that she must have hit her head really hard against the wall or floor, so she has a minor concussion. "She has to rest and stay calm for her to help better" said the doctor. I think we should call Marc so I did. When he came, he wanted to take her home. We let him because she would like it and we wanted her to be happy.
Neymar drove me home from the hospital. When we got up to my room he seemed really nervous. So I asked him is anything was wrong.
"Well you see, I think we should hang out for the rest of the day, because I don't hav anything to do, are you free" He said quickly. "Umm..well I guess I don't have anything to do, and it will be fun, where should we go?" I replied. "Umm....i'll find out...I will be here at 7pm to pick you up." After that he left.
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