Chapter 24: I Dare You

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[Camila P.O.V]
As we got into Neymar's house, I dropped all my luggage near his coach. All my memories of being in here rushed back into my mind. "You can sleep in the guest room if you want" Neymar said. "Ok that sounds great" I replied smiling. "I'll help you take your bags upstairs" he said as he lifted them. After I got changed and said goodnight, I crawled into bed.
The next morning I got up to the smell of eggs and bacon, my favourite. "How did you know I liked this" I asked. "Cause they are my favourite" he said as we ate. "So how is Davi?" I asked. "He's fine. He will be coming will Carol later today." As we cleaned up the kitchen Neymar got a message. "Oh I have no training today. We can hang out for the rest of the day" "Sounds great." I smiled. "Oh before we do anything can I talk to you. "Yea ok" I answered. "So are we good." He asked. "Yea I'm sorry" "Me too. We are friends right." "your my bæ" I said with a smirk. "I don't want to rush anything, but do u still want to be with me?" "Yes I really do, I've missed you so mch since I left." I told him and he kissed me. "I'm so happy you are mine again" he said with a smirk.
Later that day I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it, Davi jumped up and yelled "Are you dating my Papi, he really missed you. I missed you". "Hey Davi, I missed you too. " I screamed. "Yes we are" I whispered in his ear. "Hi Camila, sorry about Davi, he can get crazy like his dad" Carol laughed. "Davvvviiii" Neymar yelled as he walked into the room. Davi run up and gave him a hug. "You love Camila Papi" he whispered but we all could still hear him. We all laughed. "Well I better get going. See you all tomorrow" Carol said. We played around with Davi for the rest of the evening. After diner we watched a movie, we all decided on Frozen. "I love Olaf, Camila" Davi smiled. "Papi is like Kristof and Camila is like Anna because they love each other" Davi said smirking. We all laughed at what Davi said. When the movie finished I told Davi it was bedtime. "Can I sleep with you and Papi?" He asked. "I'm not sleeping with your Papi, but you can" I said "Nevermind I will sleep by myself" he said tired. He walked over to his dad and whispered something. "I'm not chicken" Neymar yelled. "Ok then do what I said" Davi said back at him. Neymar sighed and said, "Camila would you like to sleep in my room". Davi started to laugh, that little boy. Davi walked over to me and said, "I dare you to say yes". I laughed at Davi and turned to Neymar and said yes. As we walked upstairs Davi was smirking at us. I kissed him and Neymar goodnight. I was so tried that I fell asleep as soon as I crawled into bed.
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