Chapter 24

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I can't believe how much people have read my story and voted for it.I just wanted to say thank you guys so much! I started this story without writing it on paper, having any ideas and I would if never thought that so much of you guys liked it.This is the very last chapter and I'm sad that it's over but I will be starting a brand new story so check it out (: Love you all! xoxo


Urgh back to school.Yesterday was definitely one of the best days of my life.I had a great time but I do wish my boyfriend and my best friend was there to share the excitement with me as well.

I got out of my bed and went straight to my closet.I decided to wear the outfit Selena got for me.I have a feeling today is going to be a wonderful day.Before I went downstairs, I applied a little bit of makeup and tied my hair up." sexy demi" I whispered to myself.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs.I heard my sister on the phone yelling at someone which I knew it wasn't josh since he was holding Demetria trynna calm her down.

" What's going on?" I whispered to Josh.

" Your dad still wants Dallas to move to Chicago with him." He said playing with Demetria fingers.

I stood there frozen for awhile a little bit upset.My parents went on some sort of vacation without us and now my dad expects Dallas to just hop on a plane with Demetria and go to Chicago?

" Do you want me to make you something to eat before you go to school?" He asked leaning towards me and handing me Demetria.

" You know, I've never actually held her ever since she was born" I said looking at josh with a smile then back at Demetria.

" Seems like she likes you" He said placing a yogurt and a banana on the table. " Breakfast is served"

I looked at him with a weird face.I heard a honk outside and I immediately handed Demetria to Josh, grabbed the yogurt and the banana, gave my sister a kiss on the cheek and rushed straight outside.

I got into Miley's car and we were on our way to school.

" Since when do you eat fruit?" Selena asked me with a confused look.

" Since today" I replied with a little laugh.I turned in the radio and literally dropped my yogurt and banana on the floor.I can't believe I'm on the radio.

" Omg Demi it's you" Selena said shaking my shoulders in excitement.

" Yeah, it's me" I said with a smile in my face.

This is turning out to be one if the best days ever.


When we arrived to school, people kept looking at me funny.I wasn't sure if they heard that I was on the radio but if it was that, shouldn't they be congratulated me? This is why I hate coming to school early.

Selena, Miley and I walked to our lockers with a lot of stares.I felt really uncomfortable and wanted to know what's going on.

" I feel so bad for you" This random girl told me then walked away.

" If someone did that to me, I don't know what I would do" Another person told me.

I looked at Miley and Selena confused.They took my hand and we just ignored everyone until we reached to our lockers.I opened my locker and grabbed my history book.I looked the left and these girls we whispering and starring at me.One of them was walking towards me and finally I could get some answers.

Love me or Hate me A Demi and Niall Fan FicWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt