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"i'll see you guys tomorrow?" "yeah, text one of us your room number and we'll come meet you before the panel starts" Dylan says and i nod before saying bye to them. "Emma?" i hear Jensen groan "its one in the morning! where have you been? we were worried sick!" Jared and Misha walk in "Emma!" Jared exclaims before hugging me "where'd you go?" Misha asks tiredly "i took Dylan and Tyler to the hospital" they all look at me confused "Dylan o'brien and Tyler Posey! Dylan cuts his leg so i helped them and took them to the hospital! and i have been offered a spot on Teen Wolf, as Scott's sister" i tell the three "really?" Jared asks and i nod "they said i could meet Jeff, the creator of the show tomorrow, that is if youre okay with it" I look at Jensen and he nods "that'd be ammazing! you'd be on two shows" "really!" "yes, you can be homeschooled aswell during filiming" Misha tells me and i nod. "okay lets all go to sleep, big day tomorrow" Jared says and we all agree.
I text Tyler my room number before getting dressed and then make sure i have my phone and room keys before theres a knock at the door. "lets go meet Jeffuffah!" Dylan says excitedly even thought hes on crutches and i laugh but follow the two downstairs. "Jeff!"Tyler calls out to the man as we approach him "this is Emma" Dylan adds "its nice to meet you" Jeff shakes my hand. "i have a few scripts, its a draft basically but if you dont mind reading it as an impromptu audition? i'm gonna record it to show the directors and producers" "oh yeah uhm of course" "Okay, Tyler and Dylan are gonna do scott and stiles' lines" i nod as he hand us all scripts.
"who the hell are you?" Tyler says as Scott "Uhm a friend of your mom?" I read the script "yea right, you're too young" Dylan says as Stiles "alright, my names Sarah McCall" .
"yeah right and i'm elvis" Dylan says sarcastically "no seriously! ask your mom!" "meet us at the hospital, it's where she works". we all look at Jeff "that was great! i'll show the others and Tyler and Dylan will inform you." i grin "thank you so much, i have to go back to my dad's panel, i'll be back to see your panel though" i tell them "text me" i smile to Tyler and Dylan before going to the Supernatural panel.
its been about 4 hours since the whole audition thing and i'm not at the panel for once upon a time mostly to see Robbie Kay, cause god damn. Its my turn to ask the question and i'm so excited. "hi so i was wondering, is Pan ever coming back?" i see Robbie smirk "You like Pan?" "i mean yea hes my favorite but still is he ever coming back?" "most likely" the writer answers and i grin before handing the mic to the next person before leaving back to the supernatural panel.
"Dylan! hi whats up?" i ask into the phone "Can you meet us at dunkin donuts down the street? Jeff's with us" "uhm yea sure, let me tell the guys im leaving really quick" "okay great, see you soon" .
"dad! im going to meet Tyler and Dylan, i'll be back in like an hour or so" "okay, call if you need anything" "you got it". After about 5 minutes i get to dunkin donutes. "Emma!" Jeff stands up and hugs me "hi? what this about?" i ask the three who are smiling like idiots "you got it!" "what?" "You're gonna be my little sister!" Tyler jumps up and hugs me "oh my god" "filming starts two days after comic con, we were thinking you could fly out to California and you could stay with me! get along with the cast before filming!" Tyler smiles and i laugh "yeah that'd be cool, i just have to talk to my parents, but im sure they'll be fine with it" i tell them and they nod "cool well i have to take care of some stuff, but im sure you three will want to hang out".

A/N; yay! now she's gonna be on teen wolf and supernatural woo!

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