meeting people & drama

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"GOODMORNING UNCLE JARED" i jump on his bed "emma why" "ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY DUH NOW C'MON WE HAVE TO BE ON SET SOON" Jared groans before i leave the room.

"ITS ALIVE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOOSE" Misha jumps on Jared "oh god" Jared laughs at Misha before Jensen jumps on him aswell "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO" "guys i dont think he can breathe anymore!"
"you got a lighter?" i ask Jensen as i sit on the couch in the "bunker" "yeah, why" Jensen asks from the table as Dean "im curious" "you're one strange child" i roll my eyes before standing up and grabbing my character's jacket. "where are you going?" Jensen looks at me "for a walk" i shut the door as i walk out of the "bunker".
"cut! alright take a break then we'll film the Cas and Riley scene!" the director tells us. "so what are you gonna do about the whole dylan thing?" Jensen asks "i don't know, i guess i'm just gonna leave him alone considering he's been hanging out with her lately" i shrug and take a sip of water he nods before patting me on the shoulder and going to talk to Misha. I pull out my phone and open instagram and post a picture of me and Jared on the first day on set. After posting it the director calls for me and Misha to start the scene.


"Dad have you seen my phone?" i ask as i go through the house me, dad and Misha are staying in(Jared stays here to but hes with his family for his birthday) while filming "yeah, it has a black otterbox case and its an iphone" Jensen replies sarcastically and i roll my eyes before continuing my search. Misha walks into the room "what are you looking for?" "my phone" "oh right here" Misha hands me my phone and i just stare at him confused. "why do you have my phone?" "thats for me to know and you to find out" he smiles before going to sit on the couch and i roll my eyes. After unlocking my phone i go to twitter and see Misha tweeted "hi guys, its Misha, i stole Emma's phone. Lol sorry Em love you" i laugh at the tweet before tweeting out "guys i have my phone back, love you too misha".

"Okay i'm gonna go take a walk" "you're gonna play pokemon go, aren't you?" Misha gives me a look "actually, i'm gonna make a vlog" i stick my tongue out at him and Jensen laughs "are we sure you're 18?" I Shrug before waving to them and grabbing my jacket and camera.


"Hey guys" i wave at the camera as i begin the vlog "so me, Jensen and Misha are currently in Canada filming SPN and Jared is with Gen and the kids for his birthday, so if you see this, hi uncle Jared! happy birthday and i love you!" i pause as i see people giving me weird looks "anyway, i'm just going for a walk and maybe going to a shop or two". i continue walking and vlogging, not minding the strange looks "so lately i've been watching alot of Pewdiepie and Zoella and Joe Sugg while we're on set, like i'll be sitting in my trailer watching their videos until its time to film a scene" a guy stops me after i say that "you watch pewdiepie?" i nod "yeah? you are?" he doesn't answer my question but instead turns around "Hey Felix! this girl watches pewdiepie!" what the fuck? "hey you're that girl from teen wolf right?" The guy, felix asks and i nod "wow i'm a big fan" "thanks" and thats when it hits me, this is pewdiepie "wait you're pewdiepie! and you're PJ!" i claim and they nod "yeah we are" "uh can i get a picture with you guys?" they nod "why not".After taking some pictures on each of our phones and talking i continue my walk around the city while vlogging.


"I'M HOMEEEEEEEE" i enter the house, taking my shoes off "YAYYYYYY" misha runs to me hugging me "what the hell?" i look at him weirdly before he clears his throat "he uhm called" "he?" "HIM, as in Dylan" i sigh "when?" "maybe an hour ago, he said he tried calling you and then called me" Misha explains and i groan "okay, i'll go call him, where's dad?" "went to the store for some stuff, Jared's gonna be here tonight at 1" i nod before walking up to my room.

I sit on my bed, staring at my phone before finally deciding to do it. "Emma?" Dylan answers after 2 rings "My uncle said you called, what can i do for you" "this whole thing with you saying Britt lied to me, it's really giving her a bad rep, it'd be great if you could just own up to what happened" "Dylan! i didn't fucking sleep Tyler i would never do that to you-" "Why would Britt lie to me!?" "to get you back! you dumped her so she wants to regain your trust by telling some bullshit like that, if you can't see this you're blind and i don't want that in my life, everythings going well for me, i wish you the best but i didnt lie and i didnt sleep with Tyler" i end the call before putting my phone in my pocket  and walking downstairs. "well" Misha is standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting "hes an asshole, he thinks im lying so i give up unless he can come to his fucking senses" Misha gives me a cautious look "what did you do?" "its not so much what i did, its more what Jared did" my eyebrows raise up as i look at him "what did uncle jared do" "he might have gone to where Dylan is staying and may or may not have taken your co-star/friend Holland to convince him that you arent lying?" Misha says more as a question "what!" he sighs "i wasnt supposed to tell you".
"where are they?" " 20 minutes away" "are the two of them still there?" "yeah" "god dammit, lets go" i grab my uncle's hand and pull him out to my car.
"when we pull up the the house that Dylan's renting i see a car "that's Jared's" Misha states and i groan "are we going in?" he asks "no i don't wanna see Dylan, we're gonna wait for them to come out"
"Em" Misha breaks the silence as i scroll through my phone "hm" "you still love him dont you" i nod "i do but this sucks and he wont believe me! shes the one who cheated on him in the first place, i'd never do that" i throw my head back. "They're coming out" i look to see Holland and Jared walking out to the car and i get out of mine, slamming the door "so you weren't gonna tell me?" Holland purses her lips and Jared sighs "i was about to call" "after you did! what did you even say?" "we told him the truth! i think me being here helped, he said he's gonna call you" holland shrugs as my phone rings. "hello" "Emma, its Dylan, you think you could come over?" "Actually im right out front" theres silence before the front door opens and Holland pushes me in front of her. Dylan walks over to where im standing and for some reason i get a little nervous "Em, do you think we could talk inside?" i look back at Misha, Holland and Jared to see them all getting in Jared's car and giving me thumbs up. "yeah uh sure" i nod before Dylan leads me inside. oh boy

Jensen's daughterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora