car crash

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*2 months later*
Its 9 pm and i just left the store and im heading back to the house. While im driving my phone begins ringing. Dylan. I go to grab my phone but it falls, fuck. I look back at the road when i see a huge truck coming towards me and then everything goes black.
Jensen's POV
My phone begins ringing as i sit in a meeting with Jared and Misha. I stand up to answer it "hello?" "is this Jensen Ackles?" "yes who is this?" "you're daughter Emma was in a car crash shes in surgery now" my phone falls out of my hand when i hear this. "Jensen, you okay?" Misha asks "Emma, sh-shes was in a car accident" "oh my god" "c'mon lets go i'll drive" Jared grabs the keys.
"What happened, wheres our little girl" Daneel runs over "they haven't told us anything yet, wheres JJ" "with the sitter". "Is she alright" i hear Gen come over and Jared sighs, telling her we dont know. "did anyone call Dylan? or Tyler?" i groan "i knew i was forgetting something" i mumble walking away.
"Mr. Ackles?" "Dylan, Emma was in a car crash" its silent at first "oh my god" i can hear the pain in his voice "i'll text you the hospital" "yeah okay, thanks see you soon" and the call ends. I text him the hospital before going back to my family.
"Family of Emma Ackles?" we all stand up "Emma is in a coma, she should wake up soon, maybe a day" "a day? that isnt soon!" I yell at the doctor "im sorry" he walks away. I hear yelling down the hall "where the hell is she? thats my girlfriend!" i recognize it as Dylan as i see him and Tyler standing there "Dylan!" he looks over before coming over to me. "where is she? is she alright?" "s-she's in a coma" "oh my god" i watch as he begins to cry, Tyler hugs him, comforting him. I sit with Daneel, comforting her, trying to be strong even though im just as afraid as she is. I can't lose my baby girl. not now not ever. "Mr and Mrs Ackles" me and Daneel look at the doctor "you can see Emma now, shes hasnt woken up"


"oh my god" daneel begins crying again and i try to stay strong for her "i can't" she mumbles and walks out. I sigh and sit in the chair next to Emma "Hey Em"  i pause "the doctor says you wont woken up for another day, i need you to wake up before that, we all do... Dylan and Tyler are here i can see the pain in their faces, Jared and Gen and Misha are here, they're all broken and so am i" i wipe the tears on my face before holding her hand "i know we only adopted you not even a year ago, but its like you're my daughter by blood, fuck, you're my daughter anyway, j-just please come back to us soon." i kiss her forehead before leaving the room.
Jared's POV
"Jared you guys can  go see her" i nod and Gen walks with me to the hospital room. "just give me a sec with her alone?" she nods before i go in. My heart drops when i walk in to see Emma hooked up to machines, and bandages all over.
"Okay, so i don't know what im supposed to say" i sigh "we all really need you to come back, through the past months i've gotten to know you, and i dont think i'd be okay if you died so i need you to come back. JJ needs you, your parents need you, i need you, dylan & tyler need you" i pause, pulling out my phone with a shaky hand. "The fans have started a trending hashtag for you, they've been tweeting us" i pause before reading one of the tweets "Emma was in a car crash, pray for her and Jensen, Misha, Jared and they're families, this is a really hard time for all of them. They need you Em" .
Misha's POV
"oh my god" i feel the tears come as i look at my niece's pale body. "hey em" i hold her hand "i miss you, you're one of the best people i've ever known, i don't get why bad things happen to you. You care for everyone and in the end you end up hurt" "when your biological mom tried to take you, i could see how scared Jensen was, i mean we all were, but you make him so happy and hes so proud to call you his daughter...i love you Em" i kiss her forehead before walking out.
Dylan's POV
"hi baby" i squeeze her hand "i miss you" i take a deep breath before continuing "i-i know why you crashed, its killing me, i hate myself for it, im sorry baby"
Tyler's POV
"Dyl told me what happened, he thinks its his fault and i told him it wasnt, i know you would never say that, he went out side but i cant find him, i wanted to come see you before i went to look for him. These past few months you've become one of my best friends and you've helped me with a lot, so uh please come back"
Emma's POV
i try moving my fingers or anything but nothing happens. I heard everything and it breaks my heart to hear that stuff. My boyfriend is blaming himself for the car wreck, my parents and uncles are sad and crying and my best friend is trying to cope with this and help dyl. I wiggle my finger before wiggling another. i did it. I try opening my eyes and get them open halfway. lights way too bright. I finally open them yeaaahhhh i press on the nurse button.
"oh you're awake!" "can i see my family" "sure sweetie i'll go get them" and then shes gone.
"Emma!" Jensen yells, hugging me "dad, cant breathe" he releases me and Daneel hugs me "thank god you're okay" she mumbles. "what happened?" Jensen asks referring to the crash. "i was driving and i got a call and my phone fell and when i looked up i saw a truck coming at me" both of my parents look at me with sad eyes and them something clicks. "can you guys get the others" they nod before walking out.
"so you heard everything?" Misha asks and i nod "yeah" "well we'll go find Dylan and Tyler" Jared says before everyone leaves.
"Emma!" Dylan runs in, tyler behind me "hi" i smile as he hugs me "its not your fault by the way" Dylan sighs and Tyler puts his hand on his shoulder "i told you she'd say that! its not your fault man" Dylan just nods "you guys know when i get to leave?" Tyler nods "should be a few days if everything's alright" i sigh in relief "thank god".

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