dylan & trigger

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"hello" "Emma, its Dylan, you think you could come over?" "Actually im right out front" theres silence before the front door opens and Holland pushes me in front of her. Dylan walks over to where im standing and for some reason i get a little nervous "Em, do you think we could talk inside?" i look back at Misha, Holland and Jared to see them all getting in Jared's car and giving me thumbs up. "yeah uh sure" i nod before Dylan leads me inside.

"Do you want anything? water?" Dylan offers once we're inside and i shake my head "no, Dylan if you're just gonna yell at me i think i should just go" i begin going for the door when he grabs my wrist gently "don't please" i give him a questionable look "your uncle and holland cleared everything up, i told Britt to cut the shit and she told me everything, i never got back with her because i still wanted you, i needed you. I didnt know what to believe and i have been able to function right since that day." Dylan pauses and i take in his messy hair, dark bags under his eyes, his eyes are red as if he's been crying as well. "i can't sleep more than  an hour in 5 days, i havent eaten since 4 days ago and i barely do well on set, they're giving me time off for another 2 weeks because of it, i understand if you hate me and dont want me back i get it, i just needed to tell you that" Dylan leans against the wall with his head in his hands and my heart sinks at the sight. "Dyl" i take his hands down to his side and look at him "i just want whats best for you, fuck i still love you so yeah i want to be yours again" he smiles "really?" i nod "y'know you can kiss me" i giggle and he pulls me closer guess things are getting better.
As soon as i open my eyes i realize where i am before getting out of Dylan's grip and stretching well we have clothes on so i dont think we did anything. i check my phone and its 6 am "shit, Dyl i gotta go" i shake him before slipping my shoes on "what" he mutters sleepily "i have to go, im supposed to be on set in 15 minutes!" I give him a quick kiss "i love you! be safe" he yells "love you too" i yell back before running downstairs and out of the house  to my car.
"Em! where are you? call me back" that was a voicemail jensen left 10 minutes ago so i call him back. "Emma! where the hell are you, we have to be on set soon" "i know, mother fuck i know i'll be there soon just meet me there, jesus when does mark get on set?" "i don't know like 10 minutes after us" "okay good, hes buying me coffee, bye i'll see you soon". About 10 minutes i get to the set and park my car before going to my trailer and calling Mark. "Mark!" "Emma! let me guess you want me to get you coffee" "yes please" "you're lucky im nice and love you, alright i'll get it see ya soon" "bye".
I hear knocking on my trailer door and open it to see my dad holding a bag. "uh come in" Jensen steps into the trailer before handing me the bag "some clothes" "thank you, i love you" i hug him and he laughs "i love you too, now, change and then come find out what the hell we're filming today" i laugh and nod "you got it"
"where are you?" "outside" "where" "in america" "c'mon! Sam will kill me if he finds out i lost you" "oh gotta go!" i end the call as my character before a car pulls up next to me. "Hi cas" "get in the car" "fine".
Once the scene ends Jensen comes over to where im sitting on my phone "so, Jared told me what he did" "oh my god" "and you guys are all good?" "yeah" "good i almost kicked his ass" "oh god, woops sorry i meant oh chuck" i correct myself as Rob walks up to us "haha very funny" "i know right? im hilarious" i grin and the two laugh. "okay boys, i'm gonna call tyler, tell him i'll be in town soon" "better not let Dylan hear you say that!" Misha yells and i flip him off as i dial Tyler's number.

Jensen's POV

"when are we gonna tell her?" Jared asks me "i don't know, she seems so happy, maybe she stopped?" "yeah i know but we still have to ask her about it, what if she's still doing it and just faking it? we've seen that before with fans" i nod "we'll talk to her when we get home, did you tell Misha?" "yeah, he's just worried like we are".

Emma's POV

After talking to Tyler we finish shooting some scenes before wrapping up for the day. When we get back home i go to my room and into the bathroom to the back of the toilet "what the hell" "looking for these" i turn to see Jared and Jensen standing at the door, Jensen holding the box that i was looking for. "how'd you find those?" "doesn't matter, why do you have them" Jensen asks and i sigh "they help me, okay? i was diagnosed with insomnia, depression and anxiety when i was 7 and the depression just got worse after watching my dad die along with my little brother, i feel like i have control and since i went into foster care i felt worthless like i didnt want to be here but i found that damn show about hunting demons and ghosts and started feeling better some how and during the whole dylan thing i back tracked and started cutting again" I explain to them, avoiding looking at them "come here" Jared hugs me. "you know what i'm going to tell you right?" i nod "Always keep fighting" "and if you're still here to hear me say that you made it".

Jensen hugs me before taking the box and flushing the blades down the toilet "i love you, promise you won't do it again?" "i promise i won't do it again, i love you too dad" hhe smiles before kissing my forehead "lets go eat something, Misha should be back soon"

I've dealt with depression for awhile now and used to self harm, if any one needs to talk you can message me anytime, and please always keep fighting.



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