spn filming

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its been a month and its our 4th day filming supernatural. Right now im watching Jensen and Jared film a scene where Sam and Dean are arguing about how Sam is handling the whole daughter thing.
The director ends the scene at my cue before i begin the scene. The director yells action and i walk into the set "why do we have so much pie?" i look at my dad and Jared and Jared points to Jensen "he likes pie" "no shit sherlock" i roll my eyes but im really happy i remember my lines. Misha begins running behind the camera and i burst out laughing. "oh my god" Jensen yells, throwing his hands up dramatically "Can someone get Misha" Jared says dramatically and i continue to laugh "oh my god can we get her some water or something" Jensen says trying not to laugh with me. "i-i'm good".
"Action!" the director says and i walk in, about to say my line when Jared farts "really!" I yell at him while laughing "oh this is gonna make it on the gag reel" Jensen says and i wave my head in front of my face dramatically "wheres some febreeze". Misha hands me the can and i spray it at Jared and he starts dramatically coughing "k we're good" I tell them before giving Misha the can.
The director says action and i walk in "why do we have so much pie?" Jared goes to say his line but doesnt stop "thats when you say you're line" i tell him and grab his shoulders "i smell like febreeze" he grabs my shoulders "not my problem" he goes to hug me but i get away. "come hereee" Jared chases me around the set "dad!" "nope you got yourself into this" "i hate you" i continue to run until i find Misha outside. I hide behind Misha and he looks confused. "what are you doing" "Jared smells like fe-" i get cut off when  i feel big arms hug me. "Jared!" i yell at him as he picks me up "oh my god ew" he finally puts me down. "now, lets go finish this scene" we're start walking "no more farting" i point at him and he laughs.
finally. we're leaving the set and now going back to the house Me, Jensen and Jared are living in. Jensen and Jared got the house for them to live in while filming the show and now im also living with them.
When we get home the three of us go to the kitchen and begin looking through take out menus. "how about this place? their pizzas are good but they're salads are amazing" "k but someone has to get pie" Jared and i start laughing "dean? is that you?" i look at Jensen and he rolls his eyes.
"what kind" i ask, grabbing the keys to my car "apple and cherry" "take Jared, y'know protection" i roll my eyes "c'mon my 2nd favorite uncle" Jared fake gasps as we walk out of the house to my car. "i'm kidding, i dont have a favorite" i wink and then open the drivers door.
"Jared over here" "Emma whats it like being Jensen's daughter" the paparazzi ask questions as we walk into the store. I just continue to walk in with Jared. I feel a paparazzi get too close and Jared puts a protective arm around me.
"oh my god" i hear as we go to the part of the store with pie. A girl walks over to us "hi oh my god i'm a big fan of both of you, can i get pictures with you two?" i smile and look at Jared "why not". The girl stands in between me and Jared and her mom takes the picture be fore thanking the two of us and leaving. "okay" Jared rubs his hands together before looking at me "pie time".

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