the end

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"Em?" I look to see Jensen walking down stairs as i'm watching an old sitcom. "yeah" "have you been up all night?" i nod before pausing the show as he sits next to me. "whats going on?" Jared asks as him and Misha walk into the living room "when i was little i had insomnia, anxiety and depression, it sort of stopped after one of my foster homes. The depression came back when my birth mom came to the house and i think my insomnia has come back because i haven't slept in a few days no matter how much i want to" the three of them give me sympathetic looks. "we'll get you to a doctor and see what they say" Jensen tells me and i nod "have you eaten?" "just an apple" "okay, i'm making waffles" "i'll help" Misha volunteers as him and Jensen go into the kitchen, Jared sits next to me. "have you wanted to y'know lately?" i shake my head "no, not recently" "have you told Dylan?" i shake my head "nope" "are you going to?" "not sure, i don't wanna screw things up, y'know since we just got back together a little over a month ago" Jared nods "yeah i understand". "uncle Jared?" "hm" he hums in response "i'm sorry i made all of your lives so hectic" Jared looks at me confused "you didn't, Em you're one of the best things to happen to any of us" he pulls me into a hug "we love you and don't ever forget it okay?" i nod and he kissed my forehead "now lest see if they've burned everything yet" i laugh but agree.
"why are we still here" i groan as i walk over to Misha "because we havent finished filming" he says in a whiny voice to mock me "i hate you" "you love me" "yeah but its 1 am! i should be in my bed, watching old Law and Order Svu episodes" Misha laughs at me before we hear the director "okay! i need Emma and Jared and then we'll wrap it up for the night" "thank god" i mumble before walking over.
"okay cranky lets go home"Jensen teases me and i put up a finger to say 'one minute' before walking over to Jared "can i have a piggy back ride?" he laughs but bends down, letting me get on his back before holding my legs as we walk "now, we can go home" the three men laugh but walk to the car anyway. "we're gonna go see a specialist tomorrow" "okay" i lean my head on Jared's shoulder as he walks to the car.
"hey, baby how'd the thing go with the specialist?" Dylan asks through the phone "good, he prescribed to pills to make me go to sleep" "thats good right?" i nod even though he can't see me "yeah cause now i'll be able to sleep" "aren't you happy you listened to me?" i laugh "yes, i'm very happy i listened to you". "your at home right?" "yeah the house we have here for filming, why?" "just go outside for a minute" "uhm okay?" I walk downstairs to the front door and walk outside. "okay now what?" i ask looking around "turn around" and then the call ends, i out my in my pocket before turning around "holy shit!" i smile as i walk into Dylan's arms "what are you doing here?! dont you have filming?" "in a few days, but until then i'll be staying here with you" Dylan leans down and kisses me before i hear some one clear the throat. I look to see Jared "did you know about this?" "maybe" Jared smirks "asshole, does dad and misha?" he nods "i hate all of you" i laugh at him before turning Dylan and grabbing his hand, pulling him inside.
"hey no sleeping in the same bed!" Jensen yells as we go upstairs "we're adults" "fine! no funny business" i laugh as we get to my room. "hm" "what?" "nothing, didnt expect you to have such a plain room" Dylan smirks "hey! i have a mets poster right there" i point to the poster on my wall "i have taught you well, young grasshopper" i bust out laughing at Dylan's yoda voice.

"dyl i have to tell you something" he looks at me concerned "whats wrong?" "i uhm self harm" i avoid his look "i mean i used to, i stopped around 3 months" I look at Dylan whos silent "i get it if you want to leave, i wouldnt want to be with a mess like me either" that seemed to snap him back to reality. "i'm never leaving you okay? i'm gonna be here by your side through everything, no matter what anyone says, i love you too much to leave" Dylan pulls me into his arms "Jensen already flushed my blades" "good" he smiles as he pulls away "please never hurt yourself again" i nod "i love you" "i love you too".
"You can have the pleasure of waking her up" "what do you mean?" "you'll see" i hear a couple of voices before being shaken "Emma, you gotta wake up for filming" "what time is it?" "4:30" "in the morning?" i groan squinting as i look up at Dylan "yeah, in the morning" "fuck my life" i sit up and he laughs. "okay i'm getting up" i stand up before going to my closet, picking out a tshirt with a pair of skinny jeans and black high top converse. I walk out in the hall to find my dad and uncles exactly where i thought they'd be "do i have to time to shower" "yeah, 5 minutes" "great" i go into my bathroom and begin the shower.After a shower i wash my face and brush my teeth before walking out "okay lets go" i tell the 4 as i grab my keys and phone.
"what are we even filming?" i ask Misha as me and him sit in the hair and makeup trailer and he shrugs "when is dylan starting filming again?" "tomorrow, hes going back to his place tonight" Misha nods "did you tell him?" i nod "yesterday" "good". "okay Emma and Misha! we need you guys on set" i hear one of the producers "guess thats our cue".
*1 week later*
I watch as Mark, Jared and Jensen are filming a scene when Tyler calls me "hey Ty" "Emma" "whats wrong?" "its Dylan" my heart sinks "what do you mean? what happened?" "he was in an accident while filming the movie, i'm at the hospital now thats by his place" "okay text me the hospital, i'll be there soon, its gonna be okay Ty" i reassure my crying best friend.

A/N: okay! that was the end, i know its a bad ending but oh well, sequel should be up either tomorrow or by the end of the night, thank you to everyone who's read this xx

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