The French Cheese | The Accomplice (Part 3.3)

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The first part of this is literally my brain while I was thinking this through. This chapter was quite the ordeal.

To sereace, this is for you. Don't be sad na :)

Again, FICTION. Song is still Love Bug from the Jonas Brothers. Unedited.


In Which Everyone Deserves An Award

I can't get your smile out of my mind

(I can't get you out of my mind)

I think about your eyes all the time

You're beautiful but you don't even try

(You don't even, don't even try)

*kroo kroo*

*kroo kroo*

"Well, if you're not going to say anything, I'm going up." Sabrina sat up the couch about to stand. She cannot take the silence anymore.

"Wait, Brie..." R3 moved to sit on the same couch, which was restricted moment earlier when his Ninong Sam had him occupy the corner seat.

"What? Simula kanina ang tapang tapang mo, tapos ngayon..."

"I'm sorry. I just don't know where to start. I didn't plan for you to find out this way." He's a man of few words but not when he's this nervous. He tends to babble.

"How was I supposed to find out anyway?" Sabrina is looking at him with curiosity laced with irritation. He can feel his shirt soaking from sweat.

"Not like this. I was hoping to ease you into it."

"Ease me into it? Ha! Well, there goes that plan." She crossed her arms and faced him.

"Yes, I... Can we start over please?"

"It's a little too late for that. I almost got in trouble for something I was not even aware of, R3!"

"I know and I'm sorry. Just please, let me explain."

"Make it quick."

"Okay. I've always had a crush on you since we were little kids."

"Great! A pre-school crush."

"It isn't just like that. Can you let me finish?"


"And for the longest time, I thought it was just that. But then things changed."

"What changed?"

"My feelings for you?"

"You don't sound so sure. When?"


"What happened that changed things.?"


"Argh! Look R3, if this is just about you getting the upper hand from Jacob, quit it okay? I don't want to be caught in between and I don't want to be a chess piece in your game."

"It's not like that Brie! I'm not playing games with you okay?"

"Then what is it?"

"When I saw him flirting with you and giving you those spiked drinks, I was angry. I didn't understand why at first but I felt like I needed to protect you."

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