Lightning Falls, Thunder Crashes | The Accomplice (Part 4.1)

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At this point, I would like to apologize for whatever reaction this may cause you. I was at a loss for a while back on what to do with R3's story. I didn't want it to be very similar to Charm and as a beloved character, I really wanted to give him a great one. I struggled for weeks until this song came back to my mind and an idea was formed. Believe me, I tried very hard to shake it off, I even listened to every possible song in my playlist that could take its place and steer my mind elsewhere. But nothing came up that is as good as this in my head so I just have to go and write. 

As I've said previously, I'm a realist, and that's a pain sometimes. However, as a Disney girl, I do believe in happy endings. In every form that they can possibly come in.

Song is Before the Storm by the Jonas Brothers featuring Miley Cyrus. That alone should be clue enough. Don't worry, we won't get to Wedding Bells naman. (I'm still holding out hope for Niley and you can totally blame them for this arc.)

All situations are fictional, and I can only claim ownership of Charm, R3 and Sab. (That is until R&M goes ahead and makes the first two. In three years's time.)

Parts in italics are flashbacks.


In Which They Were Young

I know this isn't what I wanted,

Never thought it'd come this far

*5 years later

She looks so beautiful and radiant walking down the aisle. I can see how happy she is. And the father on the side, despite the tears in his eyes, is happy too, I'm sure. He's always been dramatic like that. Today is no exception since his baby girl is getting married. Walking closer to the altar where I was standing, she gave me the sweetest teary-eyed smile and a flying kiss.

She's all that I have. The only one that I have. And seeing her this happy makes me happy too.

They finally reach the altar and she's handed over to him. Seems like everyone in this church has tears in their eyes.

In mine too. Especially when I look to my left and see her looking at the same scene in front of us holding back tears. She turns her head and looks at me. Our gazes locked at each other for a moment until it's broken.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Sebastian Benedict and Charmaine Rose Faulkerson in holy matrimony..."

Just thinking back to where we started

*3 months after the first date

"I'm going to teach you how to bake."

"Are you serious? Do you want me to burn your whole house down?"

"Eh. Papa can buy another one. C'mon."

"R3, this is not a good idea."

"Don't be coy Brie. You'll enjoy this." R3 proceeded to teach her how to bake the basic chocolate chip cookie. All the ingredients were laid out and prepared, the oven preheated (thanks to Maine) so he only has to make the dough.

Once all the ingredients have been mixed and scooped out, he handed Sabrina a spoonful of leftover cookie dough.

"Like it?" He asked as she tasted it.

"Hmm. I love it." She said with a smile.

"And I love you." He automatically said as he turned to put the cookie sheet in the oven. He heard her faint gasp along with the oven door closing.

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