Chapter 27

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Hey guys(:

Okay, while your reading this, you're gonna be like 'WTF! SHE'S SO MEAN!'  But remember, it's 3 months later.  She's been living with Dimitri, everyday.  She and Dylan have changed.




The man infront of me was shaking. From cold or fear, I don't know. The snow fell on his shoulders in slow patterns. He shifted his weight to his right leg, and I tensed up and grabbed his arm.

I pulled him closer and made my voice as sweet as I could, forcing the magic through my voice. "You won't try to run, and you won't fight me at all. You'll do exactly as I say." I watched as the mans pupil's grew and shrank as they looked into mine.

He didn't say anywords, just nodded.

Dylan, do you have him yet? We were on a team test. Objectives: Hunt, Compel, Capture, Feed.

Not yet. I lost him about a mile ago.

I have James. I'll meet you at the cave.

So much for waiting here. "Follow me." I turned and headed towards the North Cave. I pushed tree branches out of my way before jumping into the lake.

"I can't swim!" James called from behind me.

"Look's like your gonna have to." I replied to him over my shoudler. I didn't stop. I knew the complusion would force him too. He'd either learn how to swim or drown. His choice.

I pulled my legs out of the water back onto dry land. I heard splashing behind me, as I continued to walk towards the cave. I didn't bother stopping. He'd find his way back to the cave if he didn't drown.

The cave outline came into view, and I started to run towards it. I heard the splashing stop, so I knew he was probably fine. I sat down next to the already-going fire to warm up. I heard Dylan's boots stomp inside and looked up. He was carrying both James and Chris.

"Nice to see you finally caught yours." I smirked before staring back at the fire.

"Well, it took alittle longer then I expected. This one," He pointed to James, " was on the brink of drowning when I pulled him to shore."

I laughed. "Looks like he wasn't kidding when he said he couldn't swim."

Dylan sent me a glare. "That's not funny, Chloe. If he died, we'd fail our test. We still have to feed, you know. You heard what Dimitri said. 'To fail any objective is to fail the enitre test'. And we can't afford to fail." I remained silent as I watched the flames of the fire dance around the burning wood.

Dylan shoved James and Chris along the cave wall. "Make sure they don't move. I'll go get more wood."

I crawled over to them, and looked them both in the eye. I blinked, forcing the magic in me through my voice again. "Stay completly still, and do not move." The men smiled and nodded.

I shrugged off my soaking wet jacket and layed it out to dry. "I still can't believe you swan across the lake. You could have just ran over it." Dylan re-entered the cave. "You could get hypothermia now." He pointed out.

"Even if I did, the werewolf fever would burn it out." I shrugged.

"Seriously Chloe do you ever think?" He shouted. "Do you ever want to get out of here? Dimitri will keep us here until he's satisfied. Meaning, we cannot fail. You leaving James to almost die would lead us to failing. What were you thinking?!"

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