1. New Beginnings

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Friday - August 23, 2013

Move-in day was already long and hard when all I had done was move everything out of the car and onto the sidewalk with the help of my mother. It was late August in Virginia, and the heat and humidity had no mercy. After unloading the car I had to take the same steps as everyone else:

1) Stand in line in front of my dorm building. 2) Sign a bunch of paper work. 3) Get a cart to put all of my things in so I would only need to take around two trips to my room so then my mom could get the hell out of here. 

Most of the other students had their entire families with them, but I only had my mom since my older siblings were busy doing their own things in grad school and my dad was... Well I didn't really care where he was. Not that I minded, my mom and I had a close relationship, it was a little sad to admit but she was my best friend. This was something she was entirely aware of, and the entire ride down to school she was lecturing me on how I should try to put myself out there more and make friends. It wasn't like I had gone through life in Pennsylvania as a loner on purpose, I just couldn't muster the courage to talk to anyone. It's not like they ever noticed me anyway.

"Hey, Mom, we can't leave the car unattended so I'm going to go bring the first load of cra- stuff up to my room and you stay here," I told her with an innocent smile as she narrowed her eyes at me. She didn't like it when I said anything close to a swear word, so I tried my hardest to cover up the fact that I said crap in front of her, though I didn't seem to do a very good job.

"Alright, Jocelyn. Be quick, other people are waiting for this parking spot." She informed me before I started to walk with the cart. I could barely see past the suitcase that laid on top of everything, and as I walked I was careful to mumble an excuse me, hoping that I wouldn't end up hitting anyone with it. Sweat was already starting to bead up on my forehead and I let out a small groan. Out of all days of the week, why was move-in day the hottest?

Finally, I was close to getting to the dorm building when all of a sudden both me and the cart stopped moving. At once, my brows raised in confusion and I walked around to see that one of the front wheels was stuck on the curb.

"Just my luck," I grumbled under my breath before moving to the back and trying to push the cart over the cement. With everything inside of it, it was too heavy for me to even move it an inch. Right when I was about to give up, the front of my cart was suddenly lifted over the curb by a pair of large, pale hands. I looked up and tried not to gasp as I took in the guy that was standing across from me. Despite it being the hottest season, he looked like he had barely gotten a tan in his loose fitting tank top, but his complexion worked for him. His hair was bleached blonde but somehow in the light it managed to look a little silver, with small brown bits peeking out in some places. The boy's eyes were so blue, almost like the ocean due to the yellow flecks in them. I felt like I could stare at him for hours, but his voice disrupted my thoughts. 

"They need to put a ramp or something here, I had the same problem earlier," He told me with a kind smile.

Wow, even his smile was perfect, and was that an accent I detected?

Just as I was about to manage to squeak out a thank you, two other boys walked past where we were and called the blonde one over to them. One of the boys was taller than the both of them with brown curls that were pushed off of his forehead, emerald green eyes, and some of the cutest dimples I'd ever seen. The other looked older, but I wasn't sure if he actually was or if it was because of his facial hair. He had brown hair and brown eyes, and he smiled so wide when he saw his friend that his eyes crinkled up, his tongue visible. Both were muscular, the taller one leaner than his friend.

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