8. Ocean Storm

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I watched in horror as my so called best friend quickly pulled her dress back on, Niall standing still by my side.

I couldn't believe she ditched me to go have sex with some guy she met only a few hours ago in the basement of her sister's sorority house. I couldn't believe she ditched me to have sex with Brandon. I couldn't believe she ditched me.

It hurt a lot more than it should've, but I was really looking forward to experiencing my first ever party with Shelly, and she lied to me. The idea of not being alone for a single second made my entire body fill up with warmth, but down here in this dark basement, all I felt was cold.

Tears brimmed my eyes, and Shelly frowned before starting to walk over to me.

"What's wrong?" She asked and I quickly shook my head, unable to respond verbally to her. What kind of best friend just leaves the other with no warning? Is this how best friends treated each other? Was this normal?

Even if it was, it didn't change the fact that I felt crushed. Niall could kiss a million girls in front of me, but I was sure that this hurt worse. She knew how shy I was, and how I would be uncomfortable here, but she didn't care. She was no different than Mia.

"I want to go back to campus, I don't like it here. I wanna sleep in my own bed," my voice came out quick and soft as I tried not to cry. If she didn't know what she did wrong, maybe I was just overreacting. Either way, I didn't want to stay at this party a second longer.

My roommate nodded her head and rubbed my shoulder, "I'm too drunk to drive back and I don't have any money to get back to campus with you. Are you sure you don't want to just sleepover here with me?"

"I'll go with her," Niall interrupted. I almost forgot that he was still there, holding onto my wrist.

I turned to look at him and frowned a little. "You don't have to do that for me."

He gave me a small look, "Come on, get your stuff and I'll call us a cab."

I wasn't expecting him to volunteer to take me, or for him to make so much sense considering the glassy state of his eyes gave away how drunk he was.

"Okay," I spoke weakly and my brows furrowed when I felt eyes on me. I looked and saw Brandon standing there behind Shelly. His shirt was still off and he was smirking as he drank my appearance in.

If I was brave, I would tell him to stop staring at me. If I was brave, I would've told Shelly how much she had hurt my feelings.

But I was not brave, I was just Jocelyn, and all I wanted was to escape the place where people were upsetting me. 

"Damn, Jocelyn, that is quite the dress," Brandon's said, the smirk even sounded into his tone. 

All I wanted was to cover myself up. He didn't make me feel sexy or confident in this dress, he made me feel like he had x-ray vision and was just waiting to expose every part of me. I couldn't remember a time when I felt so uncomfortable.

Shelly giggled and kissed his cheek, "That's my dress! I lent it to her." Watching them interact sent a wave of nausea through me. He just hit on me in front of her, and she kissed him on the cheek?

"Don't. Fucking. Talk. To. Her," Niall growled as he moved to block me from Brandon's view, causing my eyes to widen in surprise. First Liam came to my defense and now him? I was definitely shocked, but also extremely grateful. 

Shelly's eyes matched my own. "Whoa calm down there! He was just giving her a compliment," she defended.

"He was making her feel uncomfortable! Shit, first you ditch her then you don't realize that she doesn't like to be hit on or stared at by creeps? What kind of fucking friend are you? Come on, Joss." His tone was harsh, which made me feel a little guilty. But in the end, he said everything I wish I could have.

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