22. Choosing Me

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I had just finished my last class of the day when my phone started to ring. After pulling it from my pocket, a grin spread across my lips as I saw the word 'Mom' on the screen.

"Hello?" I said into the receiver while starting the walk back to my dorm.

"Hi, sweetie! How were classes?" She asked, and I could hear the sounds of cupboards closing in the background. It wasn't unlike her to do busy work while on the phone. Usually at home, I couldn't manage to get her attention if she was already doing something, like texting or washing the dishes, so phone calls were nice because I knew that I had her undivided attention.

"They were fine, now I'm just a little tired. How are you?" People shoved past me as I walked along the sidewalk, probably from going slower than usual due to being on the phone.

"I'm good! Exhausted from work, but what else is new?" My mom laughed softly and I smiled to myself as I heard her. I was supposed to call her at least once a week just to let her know how I was doing, but lately my calls were replaced by texts.

She always said that she didn't mind because it meant that I was too busy having fun to call her, but I still felt guilty for it.

"We need to figure out a time for me to pick you up for Thanksgiving!" The woman exclaimed, a smile clear in her voice.

I couldn't believe that Thanksgiving was already next weekend. The past few weeks had gone by so quickly. I was more busy with schoolwork than I was with friends, though. We all still ate dinner together as routine, but I didn't hang out in Niall and Harry's room much anymore. I asked for space, and Niall was giving it to me.

"We could go right after I finish class on Tuesday so we won't hit rush hour?" I suggested and walked into my building.

My mom let out a hum as she thought, and I laughed before pressing the button for the elevator. "Yeah, that could work," she finally answered. "You'll be done at three, right?"

I stepped inside after the doors opened and hit floor eight. "That is correct."

"Hold the elevator!" Someone called from the lobby as the doors started to close, and I quickly pressed my thumb to the 'doors open' button. As the doors opened completely again, I heard the person let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you," the male voice said and I knew exactly who it belonged to before the boy came into view. Niall gave me a polite smile and stepped in beside me. "Hey."

"Hi, Niall," I greeted and the doors closed once again. There was a tension in the air, but I did my best to ignore it as I waited for my mother to say something.

"Niall? Is that the cute Irish one?"

"Mom," I hissed in a hushed tone. My eyes flickered to Niall and I saw him staring ahead with a small smirk on his face, obviously having heard what my mother said.

"Sorry," she laughed, "Oh! Invite him to Thanksgiving! Any of your friends who don't have some place else are welcome to come."

Before I got a chance to respond, Niall was leaning over, his face close to mine so he could speak into the phone, "I'd love to come to Thanksgiving, Ms. Miller."

He nudged his nose against my hand and I let out a giggle before playfully shoving him away. "Eavesdropper."

"Wonderful! I'll have to make more food, but that's no problem. The more the merrier, especially since your siblings will be coming as well," she informed me.

"Make sure you make a lot, Niall's stomach is a bottomless pit," I teased, making him chuckle.

My mom laughed along with him. "I'll make the best Thanksgiving dinner he's ever had, don't you worry."

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