17. Magnetic Pull

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The sound of furniture rattling awoke me from my state of dreaming. "Shit," an Irishman swore under his breath.

"Wha?" A deep, raspy voice answered. Niall must've come back and woken both me and Harry up. My eyes slowly opened and I saw that the room was still pitch black; I had probalby only been asleep for two hours at most.

"Is there someone in my bed?" Niall asked his roommate in what was supposed to be a whisper.

Crap, crap, crap. I did not want to be awake for this. Or here for that matter.

"Yeah, it's Jocelyn. Shelly kicked her out for the night and she had no where else to go," Harry explained, his words coming out even slower than usual from how tired he was. I heard Niall's voice reply, but I couldn't make out his words. The next thing was a groan from Harry before his bed creaked, the sound it made whenever someone was getting off of it. 

After that, the door opened and shut, the only noise being the boys' muffled voices coming from outside of the room.

What was happening? Was Niall mad at him? If he didn't want me here then he could've just woken me up and I would've slept on the floor or something.

Anxiety built up in my core as I thought about Niall getting upset at Harry for giving me a place to sleep. I didn't mean to be a bother, and I couldn't stand the thought of either of the boys getting mad for this. Just as I was about to get up from the bed to go outside and apologize, the door opened and someone walked in. My eyes flew shut as I heard the footsteps making their way over to me.

Had Niall sent Harry in to kick me out? A pain stabbed at my heart and I tried my hardest to remain as if I were sleeping instead of letting my lips tug down in the corners.

A hand gently rubbed my shoulder, trying to softly rouse me from the sleep he thought I was in. I made a small noise as I rolled over in the bed. Instead of being greeted by curly hair and jade eyes, my eyes met blue ones, blonde hair shining in what little light was left in the room. 

"Hey," Niall said with a small smile. 

Here it comes, I thought to myself, already dreading what was next to come out of his mouth.

"Mind if I join, ya?" He asked, letting out a tiny laugh. 

If it weren't for the dark, Niall probably would've caught the blush now covering my cheeks. My eyes widened slightly from how off guard his words took me. That was the complete opposite of what I predicted him saying.

"Y-yeah," I managed to stammer out before scooting over in his bed so my back was pressed to the wall.

He nodded his head before lifting up his pointer finger, silently telling me to give him a second. I watched him intently as he went over to his closet and kicked off his shoes and hung up the jacket he had been wearing. Next went his pants, but he hastily covered his legs with gym shorts and he kept on his cotton t-shirt. The boy opened the curtain slightly, allowing the moonlight to brighten the room the slightest bit.

When he turned around, I acted as if I had been looking anywhere but at him, though I wasn't sure if he could see where I was looking at all. 

Just as Harry's bed had, Niall's creaked as he climbed into it, his body nearly touching mine. I wanted to inch closer to him, and let his body heat wrap around me like a blanket. He was the magnet and I was the iron, constantly being drawn towards him without even being able to help it.

"Is this alright?" The boy asked me rather shyly.

I smiled a little and nodded. "Yeah... I'm sorry for not asking if it was okay to use your bed."

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