20. Fucking Kidding Me

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Niall's P.O.V.

Trying to get my mind off Jocelyn was so fucking hard to do when she looked like that. I'd always known how curvy her body was, but I'd never seen her in such little clothing before. And those tiny shorts were driving me nuts.

My eyes kept flicking towards her, watching her stand at the end of the bar talking to Shelly. Shelly looked hot, but it was like Jocelyn had a spotlight on her. As I downed what was probably my sixth shot of vodka, I let my gaze lingered too long on her.

"Mate, where are you looking?" Liam asked, snapping his fingers in front of my eyes while I set down the glass.

"No where," I said nonchalantly before averting my gaze to some place random in the club. Liam turned around anyways, looking back to where I had been staring. A smirk formed on his lips and he chuckled.

"That's hardly no where. Did you ever tell her what happened when you and Harry took her back to her room?" He asked with his brows slightly raised before sipping from his beer. After his massive hangover last weekend, Liam said he wasn't going to go hard tonight.

The mention of what happened the night Harry and I took her back to the dorms made my lips twitch into a smile. I hadn't noticed that Joss had fallen asleep on my shoulder as I poured my heart out to her; telling her that the reason I said Harry was no good for her because he wouldn't treat her like I would. The reason he was always single was because when he did manage to get a girlfriend, he never treated the girl like one.

He liked the chase, not the commitment. Jocelyn deserved better, and I could treat her like she deserved.

It was pathetic how jealous I got of her spending time with one of my best friends. Even while I was out, she was always in my head, and I hated no being able to do anything about it.

After I stopped talking to her, and got no response, I looked to see her fast asleep. Parker and Zayn were going to want the room back, so I picked Joss up and carried her downstairs. Harry ran over to make sure that she was okay, and wasn't drugged or anything.

Of course she wasn't fucking drugged, does he really think I'd let anything happen to her? He was over the party and I figured Liam was off somewhere handing Shelly off to Mia, so we took a cab back to campus. We got a few suspicious stares as I carried an unconscious Jocelyn back to the dorm. Especially from the security guard, but she opened her eyes and managed to take out her ID to flash it to him.

Luckily she also mumbled, "thanks for taking care of me," in her sleepy state and it seemed to convince the security guard that Harry and I weren't perverts.

Harry kept offering to take her if I was getting tired, but I didn't want him to hold her like this and she didn't weigh enough for it to hurt my arms anyways.

He used the girl's key to unlock the door and after he opened it, I carried her in and the other body pulled back the blankets on her bed so I could lay her down on it. Trying not to wake her, I had slipped her heels off her feet before going to put them in her closet.

What happened next was what really killed me.

"Shelly?" She had mumbled tiredly.

"Shh, go back to sleep," Harry cooed in response.

"Shells, I tried to talk to Niall. Why- why doesn't he like me?"

I still frowned as I thought back to her words. Of course I liked her, I just wasn't supposed to. Harry had raised his eyebrows and walked over to me before whispering, "don't do anything stupid."

So, instead of doing something 'stupid', I decided to do what she did for me. I moved her hair away from her face and kisses her forehead before saying goodnight.

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