16. Do the Dirty

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After midterms were finally over, I had some time to relax and this weekend was one that I had really been looking forward to.

But family weekend turned out to be a no go-- at least, it was for my family. My mom was set to come down for a visit, but she got sick and had to cancel last minute. Shelly's parents had already come and gone, and If it weren't the for the fact that I was currently hanging out with Louis and Zayn, I would be pouting about it.

"It's okay, my parents never come to these things either," Louis said in a teasing tone before winking at me. I let out a soft laugh, but instead of comforting me, his words just made me feel sad for him and the rest of the boys. They still had almost two months until they were able to see their families again.

I laid down on the floor as I watched Zayn and Louis play video games. It was as boring as it sounded (for me at least), but none of us felt like being alone after dinner. Liam of course went back to Mia's place. Shelly was going out, probably to meet up with the mystery guy. Niall had a frat party that he wanted to go to, and Harry was studying for now.

Then the last of us had nothing to do so we decided to hang out together.

My eyes scanned Louis's room, mentally comparing it to Harry and Niall's as well as Liam and Zayn's. Because Louis was an RA, he got a room all to himself even though it was the same size that doubles lived in. There was only one bed and desk, but he had two dressers. I doubted that he needed that much storage space considering he also had two closets. 

He put a couch against the wall next to his bed to make the room look less empty, and he also had posters up (very naughty posters, but I didn't let them faze me). Instead of his photos being on his desk like everyone else's, his were neatly taped up onto the wall. I admired the photos of him with all of his family members, which seemed to be a lot. The ones he had of him and his girlfriend were quite cute as well.

"Looouuuiisss," I whined, kicking my legs in the air for dramatic effect.

"Whaaaaaat?" He mocked with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Where does your girlfriend live?"

"Back in Doncaster, I'm usually the one to go there to see her." He shrugged his shoulders, keeping his eyes on the TV screen. Not only was his family there, but he had his girlfriend to miss too? My heart ached slightly for Louis, but I could tell he was trying to be positive and happy during his time here. Obviously he must've loved it a lot if he was willing to leave so much behind.

"If she ever does come to visit, I wanna meet her." I smiled at him despite the fact that he couldn't see it.

"Yeah? Maybe you, Shelly, Parker, Mia, and Eleanor can all go out on a girlfriends' date." Louis snickered, and Zayn let out the loudest laugh.

"But Shelly and I don't have boyfriends." My cheeks turned rosy as my voice came out soft. Luckily the guys were too distracted to notice.

Zayn chuckled. "You can be Niall's for the day and Shelly will be Harry's, then you'll all have to suffer through spending a day with Mia."

If my cheeks were pink before then, now they were burning bright red.

"I don't think I could handle that, being around her for more than a few minutes drives me up a wall. I don't know how Liam and Shelly do it," I said honestly.

A grimace was now set on Zayn's face and his head bobbed slightly in agreement. "Me neither."

The clicking sounds coming from their controllers became more frantic as their game got more excited. Zayn groaned loudly as Louis's player scored a goal. "I hate playing this game with you!"

Start All Over (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora