9. Deja Vu

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A groan sounded from the back of my throat as I was rudely awoken by loud banging on the door. "Go away!" I yelled, but it came out all muffled because my face was still pressed to my pillow. I immediately regretted saying something because it only made the banging grow louder. "Alright, alright! I'm coming!" 

I let out an aggravated sigh before getting up from my bed and slipping my robe on over my pajamas. My exhaustion way weighing down on me, and all I wanted was to get back into my cozy bed. Instead, I went to the door to get whoever was knocking to cut it the fuck out. "I'm opening the door now, so quit the banging," I grumbled before pulling the door open.

Niall stood there with his hands stuffed in his pockets, and all I got was deja vu.

* * *

I jumped in my desk chair when I heard a quick knocking on the door to my room. "Coming!" I called out to whoever was on the other side before getting up. After swinging the door open, I saw Niall standing there and he looked beyond miserable. I checked the clock to see it was well past eleven in the morning, but there he was in a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt, looking like he had just rolled out of bed.

"Hey," I smiled at him before nervously biting down on my lip. Did he want to talk about last night? Was he here to tell me that he knew I kissed his forehead before I left or something? A million thoughts raced through my head.

"Can I come in?" He asked me, his voice sounded rough, like he hadn't slept very much.

"Of course," I answered before stepping aside so he could walk in. He smiled slightly as me before walking into the room, eyeing the bed next to the door and then the pictures hung up on the wall it was pressed against. After he realized it wasn't my bed, he walked further until he reached my things. My eyes never left him as I watched him take in the pictures of my family I had sitting on my desk and how my wall was completely blank.

I had no pictures of friends from home to put up.

I had no friends from there. 

I followed him over to my side of the room as he plopped down on my neatly made bed. "Is everything alright?" I questioned before taking a seat next to him. He still smelled like alcohol so he must not've showered after the party.

"Yeah, I was just wondering if we could talk about what happened after we left the party." I became frigid in my spot, my eyes nearly falling out of my head. "Last night's... Kind of a blur." 

Wait... He didn't remember? He didn't remember how he almost kissed me in the cab, how he hugged me in the elevator, or how he had me get him ready for bed?

"What's the last thing you remember?" I asked, fighting back a frown. When I thought about this conversation happening, I never saw it going this way.

Niall let out a soft sigh before resting his elbows on his knees and putting his head in his hands. "The last thing I remember is... You telling me that you've, you know..." He made his voice quieter before continuing, "Never been kissed."

I swallowed thickly before nodding my head. 

"I won't tell anyone since you obviously don't want me to," he quickly added, and I smiled a little at him. He didn't remember anything about what had been playing through my head for the past 17 hours.  How his thumb brushed over my bottom lip and he said that I had the most kissable lips he'd ever seen. I was the only one who knew about it. "Mind filling me in on the rest?"

"Yeah," I sighed before twiddling with my fingers, "You fell asleep on me in the cab, I woke you up, helped you walk to the dorms, got you into bed and then went back to my room."

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