2. Being Visible

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My heart nearly skyrocketed out of my chest as Niall got settled in the seat next to me. His two friends sitting in the love seat gave him high fives as they all laughed together. He didn't even acknowledge me, but I still felt so nervous around him. Shelly looked at me quizzically as she noticed the faint shade of pink now covering my cheeks. With a small smirk, she leaned over to take a long look at the blonde boy before nudging me.

Louis's voice interrupted our exchange. "Niall, I sure hope you brought enough food to share with the rest of us." There was a grin plastered on his face as he spoke jokingly to his friend.

"Nope, sorry," the other boy answered with his mouth full before dramatically gulping down his last bit of food. He grinned cheekily and I giggled softly, causing him to smile wider then to turn to me. "Cart girl!" He exclaimed as recognized me.

Cart girl. Well it was a start.

A groan sounded from Louis as he rolled his eyes, "Can you stop flirting with Jocelyn so I can get on with my meeting, ya twat?" My cheeks turned bright red and I quickly looked down, allowing my blonde hair to act as a curtain and conceal my blush.

Niall shrugged sheepishly, "I helped her with her cart earlier, I was just saying hello!" 

"Well say hello after the meeting!" Louis jokingly scolded and Niall laughed before smiling at me. The brunette cleared his throat before addressing everyone in the room. "Hello, floor eight! My name is Louis Tomlinson and I am your," he paused for dramatic effect before enunciating every syllable of his title, "Resident Assistant! I am twenty-one years old, no I won't buy you alcohol, and I am from Doncaster, England. Before we go about the boring stuff like reading off the rules and such, why don't we go around the room and introduce ourselves." The grin on his face wasn't in the least bit serious and it was easy to see that he didn't want to be there as much as the rest of us. "Say your name, grade, where you're from, and your... Favorite pizza topping. Payno! Let's start with you." His hand smacked harshly against one of the boy's shoulders. Obviously by the interaction, they were friends too.

"Hi, I'm Liam Payne," the boy with the crinkly eyed smile started speaking while smacking Louis's hand away from him. "I am a sophomore. I'm from Wolverhampton, England, and my favorite pizza topping is... I just like plain pizza really." Liam shrugged with a smile, and I heard Shelly let out a small sigh next to me. I turned to look, seeing that her brown eyes staring at him dreamily. Quickly, I bit my lip to fight a giggle before moving my attention back to the boys. I could see why Shelly would look at Liam that way. It surprised me that he was younger than Louis, his facial hair making him look rugged, and he had biceps that were probably bigger than my head. His brown eyes had tints of gold in them and I thought that Shelly was going to stare into them forever.

"Boring," Louis said with a cough and Liam narrowed his eyes at him. "Haz, your turn."

The curly haired boy wiped his hands on the knees of his black skinny jeans, or what would be the knees of his jeans if there weren't any holes in them. As he cleared his throat, he sat up in his seat more. "Alright. My name is Harry Styles," his deep, raspy voice came out slowly and he paused to lick his pink lips. With one hand he ran his fingers back through his mop of curls, pushing fallen strands of hair back off of his forehead. Shelly grabbed at my arm, digging her nails into my skin, I looked at her with wide eyes only to see her looking at Harry the same way. I couldn't blame her, he was very attractive. "I'm a sophomore here, originally from Holmes Chapel in England, and actually, I discovered my favorite pizza topping on accident-"

Harry was cut off by four groans coming from Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn.

Niall shook his head, "Here we go, Harry and his stories!"

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