14. Smells Like Teen Spirit

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The football game was actually really fun. Watching it made me anxious, but our team ended up winning which made the experience as a whole so much better.

During the game I sat in between Shelly and Parker, it was Shelly's idea to distance me from the men. I rolled my eyes at the suggestion; it made me sound like I was boy crazy when I wasn't. There was only one boy that I had my eye on and he was driving me crazy with his mixed signals.

After the game, Parker invited all of us to another Delta Zeta party, apparently that's where Mia was all along-- setting up for the party at the sorority house. For Liam's benefit we weren't to mention that Shelly and I had accompanied the group to the game.

Not that I was planning on having a friendly conversation with Mia anyways. The whole possessive girlfriend thing was starting to get really old, but it wasn't any of my business to say anything to Liam about it. If he was happy then that was all that really mattered.

Louis had joined us for the game which was nice, I felt like he was constantly busy with work, but tonight was his night off and he wanted to spend it with the rest of us. When he first walked right into Liam and Zayn's room, I nearly had a heart attack before trying to hide my can of beer somewhere.

It only made everyone laugh because Louis would never rat on anyone on the floor, especially his friends.

Since Zayn, Parker, and Liam went straight to the DZ house after the game, the rest of us walked back to the dorm so we could get changed for the party then split a cab to get there.

I let my roommate dress me once again. Instead of a dress, she put me in a black crop top, a matching high-waisted skirt, and black, high heeled, ankle booties (all of which actually belonged to me this time).

Shelly wore a crop top too, but hers was cream colored and embellished. For bottoms, she wore white shorts and then she had on these insane heels that only she could pull off.

The boys got annoyed with how long it took us to get ready, our phones buzzing with text messages from them telling us to hurry the hell up. To get them to stop, the brunette replied saying 'we're having /lady/ issues' and that immediately got them to stop.

Once Shelly and I finished getting all dolled up, we met them out in the hall. As freaking always, each one of them looked like a damn model.

And Niall was wearing that denim vest that I loved over his t-shirt, ugh this wasn't fair!

They always effortlessly looked good, and it took me almost forty-five minutes to look even remotely decent.

"Took you guys long enough," Louis complained. Harry and Niall gave him a look and he shrugged. He was a no bull shit type of guy, and I admired him for that. Even though he was whining about me. "Come on, before all the cabs are taken!"

The five us gathered into the elevator to head down to the lobby. "Jocelyn, you ready to get shit faced tonight?" Louis asked me, a smug smirk plastered on his face.

My eyes widened and I looked around the elevator before finally meeting the older boy's gaze. "I don't know about that..." I said softly, giving him a small smile. I was positive he was about to protest, but Niall decided to start talking to him instead. I wasn't sure if it was on purpose or not, still I was thankful for him coming to my rescue once again.

"You both look really beautiful," Harry told me and Shelly as we exited the elevator. I felt heat rising to my cheeks from his compliment and I whispered a thank you.

Shelly looked at me confusedly before looping her arm through mine. "You okay? You're being kind of quiet."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I guess just nervous about going to another party." What I really meant to say was, I was nervous that all hell would break loose again.

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